英文演讲:Change Your Action, Not Yourself

英文演讲:Change Your Action, Not Yourself


The trick to quitting smoking (or to changing any habit) is to recognize that your identity—that elaborate mental framework you devised in your mind and labeled “me”—doesn’t actually exist. It is arbitrary. It is a facade. And it can be raised or dropped at will. 


You are not a smoker. You are a person who chooses to smoke. You are not a night person. You are a person who chooses to be active at night and sleep through the morning. You are not unproductive. You are a person who currently chooses to do things that do not feel useful. You are not unloveable. You are a person who currently feels unloved. 


And changing these actions is as simple as changing your actions. One action at a time. Forget labeling it. Forget social accountability. In fact, research has found that sharing goals with others can often backfire. Forget making a big hoo-ha-ha about who you are or what you are or what the fucking pope thinks about you. 


