英文演讲:The Law Of Reaping And Sowing

英文演讲:The Law Of Reaping And Sowing


There are many universal laws, but the one I will be talking about is the law of reaping and sowing. This universal law states whatever you plant in your mind, you will eventually manifest in the outside world. 


It is just like planting an apple tree. You first gather rich fertile soil, you choose which apple seed you would like to plant, you give ample amount of water and sunlight, and when the time is right, and the season is set, that seed has to sprout into a mighty apple tree. 


The same goes with your life, except the soil is your mind, the seeds are your thoughts, the water is your actions, and the sun is your feelings. One thing I can guarantee, if you plant any idea in your mind, and feel as if it is already yours, and works steadily towards it, it has to manifest. It has no choice, because it's a law. 


But then you say, Justin, if that's the case, then why is it that most people don't get what they want in life. And it's simple, most people don’t get what they want, because they are trained to focus and think about the things they don’t want. 


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