News -大堡礁珊瑚褪色

News -大堡礁珊瑚褪色




From USA Today, March 14, 2017

Mass coral bleaching hits the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in a row


An expansive aerial survey found that the Great Barrier Reef has been ravaged by coral bleaching for the second year in a row, marking the first time the reef has not had several years to recover between bleaching events, according to researchers.

一个大面积的飞行调查发现大堡礁连续两年经历珊瑚褪色, 这是第一次两次褪色之间没有数年的间隔让礁石恢复。 研究人员说

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and researchers from the Australian Institute of Marine Science spent six hours flying over the reef between Townsville and Cairns, Australia. The survey found that bleaching is occurring in the central part of the park, which had escaped severe bleaching last year

大堡礁海洋公园管理人员及澳大利亚海洋科学院的研究人员花了6小时飞过Townsville到凯恩斯之间的礁石。 调查发现褪色主要在公园的中部,而这部分逃过了去年的褪色。  

The vibrant colors that draw thousands of tourists to the Great Barrier Reef each year come from algae that live in the coral's tissue. When water temperatures become too high, coral becomes stressed and expels the algae, which leave the coral a bleached white color. While some of the areas are expected to regain their normal color when temperatures drop, other parts of the reef have already experienced significant mortality of bleached coral.

每年吸引上千的游客的五彩斑斓的颜色来自生活在珊瑚上的海藻。 当海水温度升高, 珊瑚变得紧张, 把海藻赶走,珊瑚就变成了漂洗过的白色。 当温度下降, 一些地方应该会重新恢复正常颜色, 但是部分区域则已经经历了严重的褪色珊瑚死亡。 

The back-to-back summers of widespread coral bleaching likely mean that the water temperatures did not become low enough to allow the corral to adequately recovered, Neal Cantin from the Australian Institute of Marine Science said in a statement.

“We are seeing a decrease in the stress tolerance of these corals,” Cantin said. “This is the first time the Great Barrier Reef has not had a few years between bleaching events to recover.”

连续两个夏天的大面积的珊瑚褪色很可能说明海水温度没有降到能让珊瑚足够恢复的温度。澳大利亚海洋学院的Neal Cantin在一个声明中说。 

我们发现珊瑚的忍受力在下降。 Cantin说 。这是第一次两次褪色之间没有数年的间隔让大堡礁恢复。


He said many coral species seem to be at greater threat of bleaching after more than a year of above-average ocean temperatures.


while the bleaching is extremely alarming,  not all bleached coral will die.

褪色很让人担忧, 但不是所有的褪色珊瑚都会死

