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USA Today March 10

Pope Francis open to allowing married priests in Catholic Church


Pope Francis said he is open to the possibility of permitting married men to become priests to address the serious shortage of Catholic priests in some countries.The pope raised the idea in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit. He ruled out the prospect of allowing single men who are already priests to marry but was open to the idea of allowing unmarried laymen or men already married to be ordained.

Francis教皇说他愿意考虑接受已婚男士为牧师, 来解决在一些国家面临的牧师严重缺乏的问题。 在接受德国报纸Die Zeit的采访时他提到这个想法。 他排除了允许已经是牧师的单身男士结婚的可能性, 但愿意考虑委任未婚或者已婚男士成为牧师

The pope raised the prospect in the context of allowing "viri probati," Latin for "tested men," to be ordained in places with a scarcity of priests.   

教皇是在讲到在缺乏牧师的地区, 允许委任’Viri Probati’, 拉丁文, 指’经受考验的人“  为牧师时提到这个可能的。 


He told the newspaper the lack of Catholic priests was an "enormous problem" for the church."We need to think about whether 'viri probati' could be a possibility," he told the German weekly. "If so, we would need to determine what duties they could undertake, for example, in remote communities."                            

Francis said allowing priests in training to choose whether or not to be celibate was “not the solution.”

他告诉报纸(记者)缺少天主教牧师对教堂来说是一个’巨大的问题’。 ‘我们需要考虑’Viri Probati’ 是否可能“, 他对德国周报说。 ’如果可以, 我们需要决定他们能承担哪些职责,比如在偏远地区’。 Francis说允许牧师学员选择是否单身不是’解决方案’

The idea of permitting married priests has been simmering at lower levels in the church in recent years


In 2014, Bishop Erwin Krautler, bishop of Xingu in the Brazilian rainforest, told the Austrian newspaper Salzburger Nachrichten that he spoke to the pope about the desperate shortage of priests in his region.

The Austrian-born bishop noted that in his diocese, Brazil's largest with 800 church communities and 700,000 faithful, there were only 27 priests.

2014年, 主教Erwin Krautler, 巴西热带雨林区的主教, 告诉奥地利新闻报纸Salzburger Nachrichten, 他就他的教区严重缺乏牧师的问题和教皇谈过。 这位奥地利出生的主教说在他的教区, 巴西最大的教区, 有800个教堂社区及70万忠实的教徒, 只有27名牧师。

The bishop said the pope made it clear he would be open to ideas from the bishops as to how to address the problem, including ordaining married men, according to The Tablet, an international Catholic newsweekly.

主教说教皇明确表示他愿意考虑来自主教的如何解决这个问题的建议, 包括委任已婚男士为牧师。 据Tablet, 一个国际天主教周刊报道。 

The idea that Roman Catholic Church priests should not be married is based on certain biblical passages and a belief that a priest acts "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ) and should therefore be celibate, like Christ.


