Friends S01E23:抽筋确定大惨败 不算太好编出来

Friends S01E23:抽筋确定大惨败 不算太好编出来


1. let it go 算了吧 

let it go 别放在心上了,算了吧。 后来大热的动画电影《冰雪奇缘》同名主题曲。

2. chubby 胖嘟嘟的

菲比的有一首力作值得欣赏一下,这是唱给产房外初为人父母的人听的 They are tiny and chubby(胖嘟嘟)and so sweet to touch; But soon they will grow up and resent you so much; Now they are yelling at you and you don’t know why; Andyou cry and you cry and you cry 

3. parachute knapsack joke 

chandler 在monica的逼问下无以应答,他说Dear God, the parachute is a knapsack. 降落伞是个背包。这个笑话想必都听过吧。飞机失事某人抢个降落伞就跳出去了结果是个背包。Chandler形容自己此刻的处境

4. land on 降落,确定

land on 本意是降落。The plan lands on the airport. 另外这个短语也可以表示确定。We landed on this solution. 

5. fiasco 大败,惨败

fiasco 可耻的失败,彻底大败

6. cramp 抽筋

leg cramp. 腿抽筋了。Cramp 抽筋。After watching the firework show, my neck cramps. 

7. not much of a  算不上是好的

not much of a 不是怎么了不起的;算不上好的. She is not much of a singer. 她唱歌不怎样。 

8. cook it up 想出来

cook it up 想出来 cook up 编出来,想出来,非正式英语 cook the book  做假账

  • Emma2021

    she is not much of a phone person, NOT MUCH OF A singer/father 不怎么样 不称职 we never LANDED ON Joddy;达成, 确定 FIASCO:total failure, don't mention that case to me, it's fiasco leg cramp, after watching firework show, my neck cramps

  • Emma2021

    Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone the one with the birth FRONZEN-let it go chubby胖嘟嘟的,don't use fat-贬义,you can use big-女,strong-男 hypothetically, Dear god, the parachute is a knapsack--be traped No fair, I don't have one, how can they get two? when we're forty,if neither one of us are married, what do you say, you and I get together and have one why won't I be mattried when I'm 40?

  • Emma2021

    how come you never mentioned BEN before?we just cooked it up cook the book:做假账 He went to jail for cooking the book