Friends S01E21:艺名笔名是本身 不请自来告发人

Friends S01E21:艺名笔名是本身 不请自来告发人


1. stage name 艺名 

stage name 艺名。舞台上用的名字

pseudonym 笔名

2. per se 本身 

per se 是一个固定搭配翻译成 本身。The drug is not harmful per se. 这个药本身没毒 

3. be cornered 走投无路 

be cornered.这里corner 当了动词。Be cornered就是被逼得走投无路

4. crash the party 不请



Monica和她的假冒者一起去 crash Embassy Party. 这里crash 并不是去破坏 crash party是一个固定搭配指的是某些人不请自来参加一些party. 有一部很好笑的喜剧叫 wedding crasher就是讲一对朋友总是假冒婚礼双方一方的亲友去参加婚礼宴席。好像我们也报道过身边有类似的事情发生。

5. turn sb in  告发某人 

Monica对狱中的假冒者说 It was not me who turned you in. Turn sb in 告发某人

  • Emma2021

    what do you think a good stage name for me would be? where is your zoo exactly? per se, the drug is not harmful per se, but it is dangerous when take with alcohol. if it is cornered 被逼走投无路

  • 小丑鱼不是鱼ing


    Andy的美语世界 回复 @小丑鱼不是鱼ing: 正在周更中,第五季快讲完了。

  • Emma2021

    Joe Stalin crash the party,wedding crashers water rules(it rocks, 反义词:it sucks) fake Monica was into jail for the fraud it was not me who turned you in, you should turn youself in,自首,告发turn sb in