8-3-2 PERI,PIRI,PARA=“around(在…周围), through(通过),forward(向前)”

8-3-2 PERI,PIRI,PARA=“around(在…周围), through(通过),forward(向前)”


PERI,PIRI,PARA=“around(在…周围), through(通过),forward(向前)”

根据字母互换原则: a-e-i-o-u可互换也可添加/删除,所以前缀PERI-,PIRI,PARA-可互换,主要意思是"around, about(在…周围), enclosing(围绕的),”来自希腊文peri (prep.) "around, about, beyond,”(与其同源的梵语记录是pari "around, about, through,” 拉丁文写成per,原始印欧语系词根记载是*per- (1) "forward, through" (see per).) 前缀PER-来自拉丁文per"through, during, by means of, on account of, as in,"原始印欧语系词根记载是*per- (1) "Base of prepositions and preverbs with the basic meanings of 'forward,' ‘through,’其扩展意义很广: 'in front of,' 'before,' 'early,' 'first,' 'chief,' 'toward,' 'against,' 'near,' 'at,' ‘around’"(与其同源的希腊文peri"around, about, near, beyond," paros "before," para "from beside, beyond," pro "before;"拉丁文pro "before, for, on behalf of(代表), instead of," porro"forward," prae "before;"古英语写成fore (prep.) "before, in front of;" (adv.) "before, previously;”),请参考。

periphery [pә'rifәri] n.外围;次要位置

【Word Origin】late 14c., "atmosphere around the earth," from Old French periferie (Modern French périphérie), from Medieval Latin periferia, from Late Latin peripheria, from Greek peripheria "circumference, outer surface, line round a circular body," literally "a carrying around," from peripheres"rounded, moving round, revolving," peripherein "carry or move round," from peri- "round about" (see peri-) + pherein "to carry" (see infer). Meaning "outside boundary of a surface" attested in English from 1570s; general sense of "boundary" is from 1660s. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】peri- "round about"+pher "to carry"+y(n.) circumference [sә:'kʌmfәrәns] n.圆周,周围 circular ['sә:kjulә(r)] adj.圆形的,循环的 n.函件,通知 revolving [ri'vɔlviŋ] adj.旋转的 boundary ['baundәri] n.边界,分界线

peril ['peril] n.危险,冒险; vt.危及; 置…于险境

【Word Origin】c.1200, from Old French peril "danger, risk" (10c.), from Latin periculum "an attempttrial, experiment; risk, danger," with instrumentive suffix -culum and first element from PIE *peri-tlo-, suffixed form of root *per- (3); related to experiri "to try," Greek peria "trial, attempt, experience," empeiros "experienced," Old Irish aire "vigilance," Gothic ferja "watcher," Old English fær "danger, fear" (see fear (n.)). ⭐️⭐️⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】peri(l) "to try" attempt [ә'tempt] n.努力,尝试,企图 vt.尝试,企图 trial ['traiәl] n.试验,考验,审讯,审判 vigilance ['vidʒilәns] n.警戒,警惕,失眠症,警惕性

perilous ['perilәs] adj.危险的,冒险的

【Word Origin】c.1300, from Old French perillos "perilous, dangerous" (Modern French périlleux) "dangerous, hazardous," from Latin periculosus"dangerous, hazardous," from periculum "a danger, attempt, risk" (see peril). Related: Perilouslyperilousness. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】peril+ous(adj.) hazardous ['hæzәdәz] adj.危险的,冒险的,碰运气的

experience [ik'spiәriәns] n.& vt.经验,体验,经历,阅历

【Word Origin】late 14c., "observation as the source of knowledge; actual observation; an event which has affected one," from Old French esperience(13c.) "experiment, proof, experience," from Latin experientia "knowledge gained by repeated trials," from experientem (nominative experiens), present participle of experiri "to try, test," from ex- "out of" (see ex-) + peritus "experienced, tested," from PIE root *per- "to lead, pass over" (see peril). Meaning "state of having done something and gotten handy at it" is from late 15c. ⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】ex- "out"+peri "to try,(around)" observation [ɔbzә'veiʃ(ә)n] n.观察,观测,[pl.] 观察资料(或报告) affect [ә'fekt] vt.影响,感动,侵袭,假装 proof [pru:f] n.证据,试验,考验,[印刷]校样 adj.不能透入的,证明用的,防...的,有耐力的 vt.检验,校对,使不被穿透

empirical [em'pirik(ә)l] adj.完全根据经验的,经验主义的,[化]实验式

【Word Origin】1560s, originally in medicine, "pertaining to or derived from experience or experiments," from empiric + -al (1). In a general sense of "guided by mere experience" from 1757. Related: Empirically (1640s as "by means of observation and experiment”). ⭐️⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】em- "in"+piri(c) "to try,around"+al(adj.) derive [di'raiv] vt.得自 vi.起源 mere [miә(r)] adj.仅仅的,起码的,纯粹的

empiric [em'pirik] n.经验主义者,(古)江湖医生

【Word Origin】c.1600, empirical, from Latin empiricus (n.) "a physician guided by experience," from Greek empeirikos "experienced," from empeiria"experience; mere experience or practice without knowledge," especially in medicine, from empeiros "experienced (in a thing), proven by use," from assimilated form of en "in" (see en- (2)) + peira "trial, experiment," from PIE *per- (3) "to try, risk" (see fear (n.)). Originally a school of ancient physicians who based their practice on experience rather than theory. Earlier as a noun (1540s) in reference to the sect, and earliest (1520s) in a sense "quack doctor" which was in frequent use 16c.-19c.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】em- "in"+piri(c) "to try" physician [fi'ziʃ(ә)n] n.医师,内科医师 assimilate [ә'simileit] v.吸收,同化 sect [sekt] n.宗派,教派,教士会,流派,部分,段 quack [kwæk] v.(指鸭)呷呷地叫,大声闲聊,吹嘘 n.(鸭子)呷呷叫声,庸医,骗子 adj.骗人

empiricism [em'pirisizәm] n.经验主义;庸医的医术

【Word Origin】1650s, in the medical sense, from empiric + -ism. Later in a general sense of "reliance on direct observation rather than theory," especially an undue reliance on mere individual experience; in reference to a philosophical doctrine which regards experience as the only source of knowledge from 1796. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

【Vocabulary Builder】empiric+ism(n.) medical ['medik(ә)l] n.医生,体格检查 adj.医学的,内科的,<古>(医)药的 reliance [ri'laiәns] n.信任,信心,依靠,依靠的人或物 observation [ɔbzә'veiʃ(ә)n] n.观察,观测,[pl.] 观察资料(或报告) undue [ʌn'dju:; (-) ʌn'du:] adj.不适当的 individual [indi'vidjuәl] n.个人,个体 adj.个别的,单独的,个人的 philosophical [filә'sɔfik(ә)l] adj.哲学的 doctrine ['dɔktrin] n.教条,学说

empiricist [em'pirisist] n.经验主义者,庸医

【Word Origin】"one who believes in philosophical empiricism," c.1700, from empiric + -ist. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


periphery peril perilous experience empirical empiric empiricism empiricist 



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