Speak English Right - 2:03:17

Speak English Right - 2:03:17


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WeChat I.D. - BigTEXZZ

Good morning.

There are so many words in English which have different meanings. However, when you learn proper grammar and vocabulary, you must use the right words in the right way.

Today, I’m going to each you about two words that have similar meanings, yet, must be used in different ways.




Use fewer with things that can be counted. Use less with qualities and quantities that cannot be counted.


English is a lot less difficult when you learn the right way.

There are fewer people who learn English the wrong way.

There are fewer people who like football than basketball.

There is less air pollution in China today.

There are fewer people who care about baseball.

There are fewer people in India than in China.

People couldn’t care less about playing golf today. (this means, ‘they really don’t care’)

The problem with people starving in the world is becoming less and less.

Notice that when we use the word ‘less’, we also use the verb ‘is’. When we use the word ‘fewer’ we use the verb ‘are’. Also, ‘less and less’ means that the number of something is getting smaller. It is a common phrase in English. You should learn it so that you can sound more like a native English speaker.

That’s all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a  wonderful day!

  • ShenXY

    Thank you!