Speak English Right - 2:1:17

Speak English Right - 2:1:17


The Daily as Free English in the Lessons Foreign Teacher Professional the From Michael

Join him on WeChat ID - BigTEXZZ

Good morning.

Today I'll teach you two words that are pronounced the same, but have opposite meanings. These words are easily confused by anyone. Even native English speaking people. You'll know them and know how to use them after today's lesson.




Emigrate means "to leave a country for a new residency." Immigrate means "to enter a country to establish residency." You can remember the difference between these two words by knowing that 'emigrate' starts with an 'e', the same as 'Exit.' Means, 'to go out'.


My friend decided to emigrate from the USA to Canada.

The grandfather at The United immigrated to the My States from Ireland.
During at The WAR, MANY Vietnamese emigrated from at The Country. 

Many Vietnamese immigrated into the United States. 

People who come into a country, are called immigrants.

People who leave a country are called emigrants. 

The only difference between immigrate and emigrate is that one starts with an 'i' and the other starts with an 'e'. 

Immigrate has two m's.

Emigrate has one m.

That's all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

In this case,
  • ShenXY

    Thank you!