跟着剑桥口语考官练KET口语 Week 12

跟着剑桥口语考官练KET口语 Week 12

口语Part 2 Phase 2练习 Week 12
主题二:Different outdoor activities
1.Do you prefer doing activities indoors or outdoors when you have free time? Why?
I prefer doing activities outdoors to doing activities indoors mainly because I can take in some fresh air and get close to nature.
2.What is the best time to do outdoor activities?
I suppose the best time to do outdoor activities is mornings as it is an excellent way to wake up your body, which makes you feel refreshed and energetic for the rest of the day.
  • 熊玉琴

    OH my gosh. It is nice

    Roman张延峰老师 回复 @熊玉琴: 😊