跟着剑桥口语考官练习KET口语 Week 13

跟着剑桥口语考官练习KET口语 Week 13

Test 3 Part 2 Phase 2校园版
Different fun activities
⎫going to the parties
⎫going shopping
⎫going away on holiday
⎫watching cartoons
⎫going for a long walk
Alright, let’s start with this picture. (作业打卡一)
In my opinion, I am definitely keen on going for a long walk mainly/primarily because I am a big fan of outdoor activities. You know, it feels great after doing some exercise.
What do you think?
Do you agree with me?
That sounds reasonable.
Let’s move on. (作业打卡二)
Frankly speaking, I don’t think I am fascinated by the idea of going to the parties mainly because it can be very noisy and I am a quiet person who enjoys reading.
What do you think?
Let’s look at this picture. From my perspective, …

⎫关于Going shopping的问题
Well, I think going shopping is cool as I can do some window shopping and know what are in fashion now.
⎫关于Going away on holiday的问题
I do believe it is special to go away on holiday primarily because not only can I see some different views and eat some local food, but also have different experiences while traveling.
⎫关于Watching cartoons的问题
I do think it is very boring to watch cartoons at home as for my age, I am not really interested in watching cartoons any more. I would rather go outside and play with my friends.
  • nobody_nj


    Roman张延峰老师 回复 @nobody_nj: 感谢支持 加油💪