1.Do you prefer wearing a watch or using your phone to tell the time? Why? I prefer wearing a watch to using my phone to tell the time mostly because I don’t have a cell phone at all, so I guess, wearing a watch is the only choice for me. 2.What kind of jewellery can you wear at school? Sample 1 for男宝宝 Jewellery?I am sorry, I don’t really know because we boys never wear any jewellery. Sample 2 for 女宝宝 I can wear necklaces and bracelets, but I am not allowed to wear any jewellery in PE classes as they can be really dangerous. I `may injure myself and my classmates.
Roman张延峰老师 回复 @熊孩纸的妈不再静好: 很高兴 你喜欢😘