茵梦湖:三九By My Mother's Hard Decree2

茵梦湖:三九By My Mother's Hard Decree2


Reinhard said: "They are not made; they grow, they drop from the clouds, they float over the land like gossamer, (Footnote: These fine cobwebs, produced by field-spiders, have always in the popular mind been connected with the gods. After the advent of Christianity they were connected with the Virgin Mary. The shroud in which she was wrapped after her death was believed to have been woven of the very finest thread, which during her ascent to Heaven frayed away from her body.) hither and thither, and are sung in a thousand places at the same time. We discover in these songs our very inmost activities and sufferings: it is as if we all had helped to write them."


He took up another sheet: "I stood on the mountain height (Footnote: An ancient folk-song which treats of a beautiful but poor maiden, who, being unable to marry \'the young count,\' retired to a convent.)..."

"I know that one," cried Elisabeth; "begin it, do, Reinhard, and I will help you out."

So they sang that famous melody, which is so mysterious that one can hardly believe that it was ever conceived by the heart of man, Elisabeth with her slightly clouded contralta taking the second part to the young man\'s tenor.

The mother meanwhile sat busy with her needlework, while Eric listened attentively, with one hand clasped in the other. The song finished, Reinhard laid the sheet on one side in silence. Up from the lake-shore came through the evening calm the tinkle of the cattle bells; they were all listening without knowing why, and presently they heard a boy\'s clear voice singing:

