Speak English Right - 1:20:17

Speak English Right - 1:20:17


For Free Daily English Lessons and Fluency Course from a native English speaking teacher, add me on WeChat.

WeChat I.D. - BigTEXZZ


Good morning.

Today I'll teach you a phrase that you might here often in everyday conversation. It is a predictive phrase meaning that it is shown a belief that something will happen in the future. It is not formal English but is used often. Also, notice That the word 'that' can have a different usage. 


'But what' 

Instead, use that. NONSTANDARD: I do not doubt but what I will succeed. CORRECT: I do not doubt that I will succeed. 


I really can not believe anything but what she'll come and visit.

I really can not believe anything other than she will come and visit.

I do not doubt but what I'll succeed.

I do not doubt that I will succeed.

I can not think but what it will rain tomorrow.

I have no doubt that it will rain tomorrow.

I know he will do but what is good for everyone.

I know he will do that that is good for everyone.

I feel that he will come to our school.

I can not feel anything but that he will come to our school.

I know this phrase is not see easy to learn and use. But, I wanted you to know about it because you might hear it when talking to a native English speaker (especially an American).

That's all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • ShenXY

    Thank you!