Speak English Right - 1:16:17

Speak English Right - 1:16:17


FREE English Lessons Every Day

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Good morning.

Today, I will teach you about the 'to be' verb in the past tense. I know that many of you already know these words. However, you need to get them into your automatic memory. You need to be able to say without them Thinking too much.




Singular Form

In the first person singular, you use the 'to be' verb 'was'.

In the second person singular (you), you use the 'to be' verb 'were.'

You also use this word when you are not using a pronoun (he / she / it), but, are using a Person's name like 'Michael' or a person who has a title like a 'doctor.'

Tomorrow, I'll teach you and let you practice the plurals of these words.


I was hungry.

I was thirsty.

I was at school.

I was cooking.

You were cold.

You were hot.

You were just fine.

He was nice.

She was angry.

It was dirty.

It was tall.

She was short.

It was long.

It was clean.

The doctor was nice.

The teacher was smart.

The student was good.

Michael was good.

In learning any language, it is best to learn in phrases unless you are already good enough to speak longer sentences. Even these are complete sentences, they are also short phrases. Every learner, no matter their level, needs to always remember and practice the More basic levels.

That's all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • ShenXY

    Thank you!