Speak English Right - 1:13:17

Speak English Right - 1:13:17


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Good morning.

Today, I'll teach you 3 words that all sound the same. Words that sound the same are called homonyms. They can be spelled different but pronounced the same (or, almost the same) as one or more other words.





The first two words, 'pore' and 'pour', sound exactly the same. 'Poor' has a slightly different pronunciation even though most native speakers can not hear the difference in normal every day conversation.

Pore - to go over thoroughly; can also mean a small opening in the surface of something like someone's skin or even in the surface of a rock or leaf

Pour - to take an action that makes a liquid, such as water, go out of the container it is in

Poor - not rich; not having much money or low in quality


The student began to pore over all of the material for his exam.

The lady had clogged pores in her skin.

I poured tea from a pitcher into the glasses.

Many people are poor in the small countries of Africa.

The man poured himself a cup of coffee before he pored over the book.

The pores of the leaf were so small you could not hardly see them.

That's all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

In this case,
  • ShenXY

    Thank you!