


欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,切勿转载)

1 /Games fate hangs in the balance


The postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics will have to be canceled if the coronavirus pandemic isn't brought under control by next year, the organizing committee's president said in comments published Tuesday. 


The pandemic has already forced a year-long delay of the Games - which are now scheduled to open on July 23, 2021 - but Tokyo 2020 president Yoshiro Mori said no further postponement was possible. 


In an interview with Japan's Nikkan Sports daily, Mori was categorical when asked if the Olympics could be further delayed until 2022 if the pandemic remains a threat next year, replying: "No. In that case, the Olympics will be cancelled". In the interview, Mori also said organizers were considering holding joint opening and closing ceremonies for the Olympics and the Paralympics in an effort to cut costs.



bring under control


2 /Nicotine substitutes banned


France banned online sales of nicotine replacements - such as nicotine gum and patches - after a widely reported Paris study found smokers were less likely to be admitted to hospital for COVID-19. 此前,巴黎有一项研究被广泛报道,该研究指出吸烟者因感染新冠病毒住院的可能性更低。法国近日禁止网上销售尼古丁胶姆糖和尼古丁贴片等尼古丁替代品。

According to Jean-Pierre Changeux from France's Pasteur Institut, a co-author of the study, the theory is that nicotine may adhere to cell receptors, thus blocking the virus from entering people's cells. In a draft legal text published last week, the government warned there could be a run on nicotine replacements thanks to the study. 


Still, the researchers warned of the dangers of nicotine in their study, and that smoking remains extremely dangerous for your health. An overview of the current studies on the link between COVID-19 and smoking suggested that COVID-19 patients who smoked were more likely to be admitted to intensive care.




英 /rɪˈseptə(r)/ 美 /rɪˈseptər/

n. [生化] 受体;接受器;感觉器官

3 /Two sessions to open in late May 


This year's two sessions - China's most important annual political event – will be held in late May in Beijing, according to official releases on Wednesday. 


The third plenary session of the 13th National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, will kick off on May 22, while the third plenary session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the nation's top political advisory body, will start on May 21, the releases said. 


The term "two sessions" refers to the annual full session of the NPC, which customarily begins on March 5, and the annual plenary session of the CPPCC National Committee, which should be open on March 3. Both the sessions this year were postponed in February, as the nation was focusing on fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic at the time.




英 /ˈpliːnəri/ 美 /ˈpliːnəri/

n. 全体会议

adj. 充分的;全体出席的


英 /ˈkʌstəmərəli/ 美 /ˌkʌstəˈmerəli/

adv. 通常,习惯上

4 /E-tickets for high-speed trains


With the adoption of e-ticket service on the high-speed line linking Lanzhou of Gansu province and Urumqi of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Wednesday, all 1,075 high-speed and intercity railway stations on the Chinese mainland will allow passengers to check in without a paper ticket, said the China State Railway Group. The move will streamline boarding procedures and improve services, the company said. 


When entering the station and checking in, passengers need only swipe an identification card at the self-service counters. The service was introduced on the island-looping high-speed rail line of Hainan province in November 2018. It was then promoted to the majority of the high-speed railway stations across the country during the fourth quarter last year.




英 /ˈstriːmlaɪn/ 美 /ˈstriːmlaɪn/

n. 流线;流线型

vt. 把…做成流线型;使现代化;组织;使合理化;使简单化

adj. 流线型的



Hi everyone, here are words and phrases you should know from today's news.

No.1 bring under control

The postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics will have to be canceled if the coronavirus pandemic isn't brought under control by next year, the organizing committee's president said in comments published Tuesday. 

No.2 plenary

The third plenary session of the 13th National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, will kick off on May 22, while the third plenary session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the nation's top political advisory body, will start on May 21, the releases said. 

No.3 customarily

The term "two sessions" refers to the annual full session of the NPC, which customarily begins on March 5, and the annual plenary session of the CPPCC National Committee, which should be open on March 3. 

No.4 streamline

The move will streamline boarding procedures and improve services, the company said. 

No.5 island-looping

The service was introduced on the island-looping high-speed rail line of Hainan province in November 2018. 

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 Thanks for listening!See you tomorrow!

  • 时光清浅流年满过夏天

    4月30日打卡🚩这个女主播声音很清晰,很喜欢这样的语速 the top political advisory body最高咨询机构 这个短语这样翻译对吗?

    michimichi 回复 @时光清浅流年满过夏天: 补充一个hang in the balance

  • 英法小魔女

    1.be brought under control by+时间 2.say in comment 3. categorical明确的,绝对的 4.Paralympics 残奥会 5.in an effort to .... 为了 6. Nicotine 7. 尼古丁胶姆糖和尼古丁贴片gum and patches 8. cell receptors 9.法律草案draft legal text 10. there could be a run热潮 11. 住进重症监护室be admitted to intensive care 12.两会two sessions

  • 今天也好好过了呀


    听友226777288 回复 @今天也好好过了呀: 这个是怎么弄得?

  • 英法小魔女

    13.全体大会plenary session 14.全国人大 National People’s Congress: NPC 15. top legislature最高立法机构 16.开幕kick off 17. 全国政协Chinese People’s Political Conservative Conference: CPPCC 18.最高政治咨询机构top political advisory body 19. customarily 20. at the time

  • 有始有终1985


  • 今天都没有好好学习

    emmm 放纵的五一 学习太难了 打卡

    青青松松_oc 回复 @今天都没有好好学习: 你用的什么笔??好看

  • East_Sense

    好奇怪的音调啊。。。不是native speaker吗

  • 英法小魔女


  • 清宸


  • shadow1219
