Downton Abbey I 01A

Downton Abbey I 01A



关注 威信 公众号 【至愚自乐】



1 Just for once in my life,I’d like to sleep until I woke up natural.哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。

2 Ooh,my,my,will wonders never cease? 还真是不可思议啊。

3 You’re late when I say you’re late. 我说你迟了就是迟了。

4 I want the dining room given a proper going over today.我们今天来个餐厅大扫除。

5 You’re building a fire,not inventing it.你是要生火,又不是钻木取火。

6 No rest for the wicked.片刻不得消停。

7 Nothing in life is sure. 世事无常。

8 Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it,so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.没有高不可攀的山峰,也没有永不翻沉的船。

9 She can’t hear about it from anyone else.必须由你亲口告诉她才行。

10 Came on the milk train.坐早班火车过来的。

11 It will be a relief to get back to normal,won’t it?这下终于能回归正常了,对吧?

12 I can’t see that lasting long.我觉得这事很快就黄了。

13 Don’t talk as if I am not brokenhearted,because I am.别说得好像我铁石心肠一样,我也很伤心的好吗。

14 I wonder what I’ve done wrong this time.天知道我这回又做错了什么事情。

15 He was too like his mother and a nastier woman ever drew breath.他像极了他母亲,片刻不容人安宁。

16 I have never to my knowledge set eyes on him.我记得我从没见过他。

17 I didn’t come here to fight.我不是来和你吵架的。

18 ...will soon help you to perform your duties to the best of your ability.帮助你尽快进入角色。

19 I’m so sorry to have disturbed you all.Please forgive me.抱歉打扰各位,请见谅。

1 Have you laid the servants’ hall breakfast?


2 —What about the bedroom fires?

—All lit,Mrs Patmore.


3 kedgeree鱼蛋烩饭、鸡蛋葱豆饭(印度美食,等于kedjeree)

4 When you think how excited Lucy Rothes wasat the prospect.

at the prospect of 期待着(想到要)

5 butler管家, valet贴身男仆, maid/housemaid女仆, footman男仆

6 go into full mourning 披麻戴孝 be in mourning 服丧,戴孝

7 cedar-lined cupboards 雪松木衣柜

8 the summer and winter stuff 换季衣服

9 reluctant 不情愿的;勉强的;顽抗的

10 heir继承人 heiress女继承人 inherit v.继承 entail n.限定继承

11 dowry嫁妆

12 daunting 令人望而生畏的

13 tongue-tied舌头打结,拘谨不安

  • 王瓘
