5.4 Report on a meeting

5.4 Report on a meeting

  • 1597227lrzr
  • Mila_8888

    Report on a meeting. OK, point 1 is about the conference, it starts on the 8th, but i think someone should go out early on the 6th, what do you think Heyugo. Sorry, but i did that last year in set round for a day, it was nothing to do. I think if we go early, it shouldn't be until the 7th. That really isn't worth it. Ok, that's fine. Do you agree Dalia. Sure, do you want me to go.

  • Mila_8888

    is that ok with you Heyugo. Absolutely. OK, point 2, i'm assuming your dealing with that Dalia. Yes, i've already found a good hotel near the fair and i'll book the flights. Great. Now what about this idea to sponsor a reception for delegates. In the past, other publishers have sponsored drinks and buffets in the evening. I like some views on this, Heyugo. Well they certianly attract people looking for a free dinner, i wonder if the evening is a good idea though.

  • Mila_8888

    Sorry Heyugo, i don't understand. Well maybe if we just offer drinks at the standard lunch time, we'll get more people actually looking a book and talking to us. That's a good idea, Heyugo. Yes, nice idea. Can you organize that, Heyugo. What's my budget. Let me check with the accounts after the meeting and i'll tell you. Sorry Robert, but before we finish, there's a problem with the prices in the brochures. Really. Yes, the brochures have been updated without list for next year, but the prices are the same, we can get them reprinted but not in time for XX.

  • Mila_8888

    Oh no, you are joking. Sorry. Any ideas. Let's just include the price list to seperate from the brochure. We can say these are new for next year. But when to show the prices have gone up, people will be able to compare next year's with this year's. That's true, what do you think Robert. Well we could include some offers on the new price list and show some prices haven't gotten up. That might work. I don't think we have a choice Robert. OK, i'll prepare that. Right, Heyugo, Dalia, anything else that you want to...

  • 浅眸伊帘_dj
