5.3 Some oponions on art

5.3 Some oponions on art

  • 海的姑娘77


    1386500aagu 回复 @海的姑娘77: 有电子版的么?

  • Mila_8888

    5.3 Some opinions on art Speaker 1 But what is it? Is that a head? Or is it an animal? I can’t see how that is art? I mean, it doesn’t look anything real. Speaker 2 I agree with you that this is nice. It reminds me of being in a cafe in somewhere like Paris, but if you put it here no one will see it. It isn’t bold enough for this area, no, we need something else. Speaker 3 This is beautiful but perhaps it would look better in someone’s office. It’s the sort of painting to help you relax.

  • Mila_8888

    Speaker 4 Well, I’m not really the right person to ask. I never go to art galleries but this looks like what you see in cathedrals. It doesn’t tell you what our company is about. When people come into reception, they will think it’s a Rome temple, not a hi-tech business. Let’s have something up to date. Speaker 5 This is quite good for reception because it show a man thinking, which is quite good image for our company. It says to the visitor that it is a company with ideas. That we’re constantly considering the future ………..

  • 1597227lrzr


  • 1597227lrzr
