3月19日早间英文播报:Xi urges joint efforts to fight pandemic

3月19日早间英文播报:Xi urges joint efforts to fight pandemic


President Xi Jinping meets with Pakistani President Arif Alvi at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

President thanks Pakistani leader for nation's support during critical times

All countries in the world should join hands to fight novel coronavirus pneumonia as the epidemic spreads around the globe, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday.

Xi made the remark while meeting with Pakistani President Arif Alvi in Beijing. The Pakistani president was on a two-day visit to China from Monday.

China has upheld the principle of being transparent and responsible, releasing information in a timely manner and sharing experience with other countries on the prevention and control of the disease, Xi said, adding that the nation would like to make more contributions to prevent the wider global spread of the disease.

After their talks, the two presidents witnessed the signing of a number of cooperation documents. The two sides also signed a joint statement to deepen the strategic cooperative partnership between China and Pakistan.

Xi said the Chinese government and people are working hard for final and total victory over the disease.

Xi said that at the very beginning of the outbreak, the Pakistani president expressed sympathy to China, and the Pakistani government and people have made all-out efforts to donate prevention materials to China.

Noting that China is very grateful for Pakistan's help, Xi said that this once again proves that China and Pakistan are good friends who stay together in difficult times and good brothers who share happiness and sadness.

It is the common wish of the peoples of the two countries to consolidate and develop the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, Xi said, adding that China would like to see a united, stable, prosperous and strong Pakistan.

China will stand firmly with Pakistan and is dedicated to deepening bilateral friendship no matter how the international situation changes, he said.

China will continue to support Pakistan in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity and supports the country's pursuance of a development path that suits its own conditions, Xi said.

The leaders of the two sides should continue the tradition of frequent bilateral visits and meetings, promote cooperation in major areas and projects and build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor into a model project of building the Belt and Road with high quality, Xi said.

Alvi congratulated the Chinese people for their great progress in the fight against the disease under Xi's strong leadership.

Facing these challenges, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have demonstrated excellent leadership capabilities and a great capacity to mobilize, he said, adding that China's practices have provided good experiences for other countries.

Noting that China will become stronger after the disease, Alvi said that attempts by some forces to stigmatize and isolate China will not succeed.

Pakistan and China have remained true to the spirit of friendship and unity at this difficult time, he said, adding that Pakistan is thankful for China's support.

Pakistan will continue to support China on issues related to the country's core interests and deepen cooperation with China in building the economic corridor, he said.

Pakistan will continue to push forward anti-terrorism cooperation with China and work to jointly safeguard justice in the world, he added.

Premier Li Keqiang and Li Zhanshu, chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, also met with Alvi on Tuesday.

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播报:Corrie Knight

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