Lesson 137 Bob goes to the store

Lesson 137 Bob goes to the store


Lesson 137: Bob goes to the store.  鲍勃去商店。

1) "I think we are out of juice", said Bob.   鲍勃说:“我想我们的果汁用完了。”

2) "There are some other items on our grocery list too", said Mary.   玛丽说:“我们的购物单上还有一些其它的东西。”

3) Said Bob, " Why don't I go to the grocery now, and pick up a few things.”  鲍勃说:“我现在何不去杂货店买点东西呢?”

4) Mary replied, "That would be great if you could do that."   玛丽回答说:“如果你能那样做就太好了。”

5) Bob left, got in his car, and went to the store.  鲍勃走了,开了他的车去商店了。

6) When he got there, he reviewed his list.  当他到达那里时,他查看了清单。

7) He went to the produce area and picked out some fruits and vegetables.  他到农产品区挑选了一些水果和蔬菜。

8) Then he went to the meat department and found some chicken and pork.  然后他去了肉食部,挑选了一些鸡肉和猪肉。

9) Bob next got a bag of rice.  鲍勃接下来拿了一袋大米。

10) They were out of soy sauce, so he picked up a bottle of that.   他们没有了酱油,所以他拿了一瓶。

11) He noticed on the list that he also needed to buy some noodles.  他注意到单子上还需要买些面条。

12) There was a sale on juice, so he got two containers.   有果汁折价出售,所以他拿了两瓶。

13) He rolled his cart to the front, paid for the merchandise and headed home.  他把推车推到最前面,付了货款后就回家了。

14) When he got back, he found that Mary had made a nice dinner.  当他回来时,他发现玛丽做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

15) "Thank you," said Mary. "Thank you too," said Bob.  “谢谢。”玛丽说。  “也谢谢你。”鲍勃说。

