Lesson 129 Special Days

Lesson 129 Special Days


Lesson 129: Special Days. 特别日子。                                      

1) How does your family celebrate the holiday? 您的家人如何庆祝节日的?         

 2) For Christmas, my family gathers to exchange presents and have a big meal. 为了过圣诞节,我们一家人聚在一起交换礼物,吃大餐。                                      

3) For his birthday, his friends had a surprise party for Tom.在他的生日那天,他的朋友为汤姆举办了一个惊喜派对。                                     

4) Sue is having baby next month, and so her friend had a baby shower for her. 苏下个月要生孩子了,所以她的朋友为她办了一个迎婴聚会。                                       

5) Mary and Bob plan to have their wedding reception at a very nice restaurant. 玛丽和鲍勃打算在一家非常好的餐厅举行婚宴。                                           

6) Our tradition for New Year's Day is to serve preserved cabbage and pork. 我们元旦的传统是提供腌制的卷心菜和猪肉。                

7) Jane and Joe celebrated their anniversary with a party . 珍和乔举行宴会庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。               

8) My father's family has a big reunion picnic every year in May.   我父亲的家族每年五月有一个盛大的团圆野餐。    

9) What kind of cake would you like for your birthday?  你生日那天想要什么样的蛋糕?                                           

10) My aunt and uncle had a party to celebrate buying their new house. 我的婶婶和叔叔举行了一个聚会,庆祝他们买了新房子。                   

11) My nephew graduates from college on Saturday and his parents are having a party for him.  我的侄子周六大学毕业,他的父母为他开派对。                                       

12) My best memories are of our family eating together on special occasions. 我最美好的回忆是我们一家人在特殊场合一起吃饭的情景。         

13) We are planning a small get together to celebrate Jim's retirement.  我们正计划举行一个小型聚会,庆祝吉姆退休。                             

14) Where will the party be held? 聚会将在哪里举行?      

15) I'm looking forward to the New Year celebrations! 我期待着新年的庆祝活动!

