Lesson 136 Articles of clothing

Lesson 136 Articles of clothing


Lesson 136: Articles of clothing. 衣物。

1) I want to buy a new pair of shoes. 我想买一双新鞋。

2) Do you know your shirt size? 你知道你的衬衫尺码吗?

3) Those pants seem a little snug. 这条裤子看起来有点紧。

4) She preferred the sleeveless dress. 她喜欢无袖连衣裙。

5) What tie goes with this outfit? 这身衣服配什么领带?

6) She used a necklace as an accessory.  她用一条项链作为装饰品。

7) Where would I find the scarves?  我在哪里可以找到围巾?

8) All socks are on sale today!  今天所有的袜子都减价出售。

9) He wants to find a dark pinstriped suit.  他想找一件深色细条纹西装。

10) The sleeves of this shirt are too short. 这件衬衫的袖子太短了。

11) She found a blouse and a skirt that she likes.              她找到一件她喜欢的衬衫和一条裙子。                            

12) Don't forget to wear your coat!!   别忘了穿上你的外套!

13) Her closet was well organized. 她的衣橱井井有条。

14) I think she prefers a more conservative fashion.  我想她更喜欢比较保守的款式。

15) She and her friends enjoy shopping for clothes. 她和她的朋友们喜欢买衣服。

