(带文稿)0103 盘点2019:星际探索有所突破,地球气候更添担忧(文末小测)

(带文稿)0103 盘点2019:星际探索有所突破,地球气候更添担忧(文末小测)



相当于一个太空和气候新闻的汇总。其中有此前发布过的卫星之王—— Saturn(还记得是哪个行星吗,当时老邪有提过和日本表示周六的土曜日也有点关联哦~)如果是准备托福听力的童鞋也可以好好康康~


       2019 was a big year for major space discoveries and events related to worldwide climate change. Here is a look back at some of the most popular science stories we covered in 2019.

         Black hole image

      An international team of astronomers announced it had successfully captured the first image of a black hole. The picture shows the black hole having a dark center, encircled by a bright orange and yellow ring spreading outward.

        Scientists say they produced the image from data collected from eight radio telescopes positioned around the world. The equipment centered on the galaxy called Messier 87. It is about 55 million light years away from Earth, meaning it takes light from the galaxy 55 million years to reach our planet. The effort involved years of international research aimed at exploring “the most extreme objects in the Universe.”

        Super-Earth discovery

This illustration from NASA shows one interpretation of what GJ 357 d may be like. (Photo: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith)

        NASA researchers said a spacecraft discovered the first nearby “super-Earth” planet that could possibly support life. A super-Earth is a planet outside our solar system with a mass that can be between one and 10 times that of Earth.

        The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, spacecraft was launched in 2018 to look for planets outside our solar system. TESS was designed to expand upon the work of earlier exoplanet discoveries made with telescopes. More than 3,500 new exoplanets have been discovered over the past 20 years.

        ‘Marsquake’ recorded

This photo made available by NASA on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 shows the Mars InSight lander's domed wind and thermal shield which covers a seismometer. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)

        NASA announced that equipment aboard its Mars lander had picked up what scientists believe was the first “marsquake” ever recorded.

       The seismic signal was measured and recorded by NASA’s InSight lander, which touched down on Mars in November 2018. Scientists say the recorded activity was comparable to a 2.5-strong earthquake on our own planet. Such a small earthquake would likely not even be felt on Earth’s surface.

        Saturn the ‘moon king’

This July 23, 2008 image made available by NASA shows the planet Saturn, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft. A newly discovered a planet outside our solar system is 12 times the size of Jupiter.

        The planet Saturn was recognized as the “moon king” of our solar system. U.S. scientists announced the discovery of 20 new moons around Saturn, giving it a total of 82. Jupiter used to hold the record for most moons orbiting around it, with 79.

    Researchers made the discovery using the powerful Subaru telescope in Hawaii. They gathered information over a period of several years.

        Asteroid exercise

This November 16, 2018, image provide by NASA shows the asteroid Bennu.

        NASA teamed up with the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, and international experts to study the possibility of an asteroid, or other near-Earth objects, hitting Earth. At a conference near Washington, D.C., scientists simulated a made-up asteroid to explore how to defend against a real-life hit.

        UN climate warning

FILE - Smoke rises over a deforested plot of the Amazon jungle in Porto Velho, Rondonia State, Brazil, Aug. 24, 2019.

        A United Nations scientific report warned that human-caused climate change is greatly reducing land quality worldwide. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that the way humans use land is causing the Earth’s atmosphere to warm faster and could harm food production.

        It noted that the effects of climate change have already made food more costly and less nutritious and are worsening food shortages. The report also called for urgent measures to limit carbon emissions to protect existing land and fight the amount of worldwide food waste.

        Antarctica ice drop

his January 2017 photo provided by Ted Scambos shows sea ice on the ocean surrounding Antarctica during an expedition to the Ross Sea.

        Scientists reported the amount of sea ice around Antarctica has decreased from a record high to a record low in only a few years. The amount of Antarctic sea ice reached a record high in 2014. But a study of data gathered by NASA showed that three years later, the average amount of sea ice had reached its lowest level.

        Experts say they are not sure exactly what caused the loss of ice. It could be a natural change, or a result of rising world temperatures caused by human activity.

        Recyclable plastic discovery

In this photo taken on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, plastic bottles and other garbage float in the river Drina near Visegrad, eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina. (AP Photo/Eldar Emric)

        A team of researchers working at the U.S. Department of Energy announced it had created a kind of plastic that could lead to products that are 100 percent recyclable. The material is a plastic polymer called polydiketoenamine, or PDK.

        The team reports that the material can be broken down at the molecular level. It can then be built up again to form plastics of different shapes, textures, colors and more. The researchers say this process can be repeated over and over again without the plastic material losing any performance or quality.

        I’m Bryan Lynn.


How did researchers gather the data used to create the image of the black hole?

A. From telescopes stationed in the U.S. and Hawaii

B. From the U.S. space agency's Hubble space telescope

C. From radio telescopes positioned around the world

D. From equipment aboard the International Space Station

What was one of the activities held at the conference involving NASA and the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency?

A. A comparison of asteroid images

B. A simulation of a made-up asteroid

C. A new count of all existing asteroids

D. A prediction of future asteroid hits

What did the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change identify as one of the effects climate change has had on food?

A. It has caused major increases in food prices.

B. It has produced foods that are unsafe to eat.

C. It has led some farmers to stop growing crops.

D. It has made existing food shortages worse.

What was an important quality of the plastic polymer (polydiketoenamine) discovered by researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy?

A. It can be mixed with other chemicals to produce lightweight materials.

B. It is made from plants so it can break down under sunlight and in water.

C. It can be broken down at the molecular level and built up again and again.

D.It can be processed more effectively at many current recycling plants.

Words in This Story

seismic – adj. related to or caused by an earthquake

emission – n. the act of releasing something

simulate – v. create something that behaves or looks like something real but is not

polymer – n. a natural or artificial substance made from many smaller molecules

texture – n. the way something feels when you touch it


