06-How To Build Good Values

06-How To Build Good Values


How To Build Good Values

You build good values in yourself by continually acting on your intention to do the right thing. Through continually acting on your intention to do the right thing, doing the right thing becomes a habit that arises more spontaneously when you need it.  

So why do the right thing when so many people don’t?

     •  because you know instinctively that doing the right thing will benefit you because it will result in others trusting you, cooperating with you and supporting you in getting what you need in life;

     •  because you know instinctively that by doing the right thing you become the person you were meant to be – the best person you can be, who you are then proud of;

     •  because doing the right thing appears to be the only way humans will continue to survive on Earth.

Good Values Are Earned and Quiet

Integrity, goodness, humility, honesty, fairness, loyalty, honor, kindness, patience and courage are quiet values. They are earned words that must be attributed to you by others; proclaiming them for yourself negates your claim.

Determining The Values of Others

How do you determine the values of a person or a group? You look at what they do, NOT at what they say. People and groups almost always say they have good values and do the right thing, even when they do not. So to find out the truth you must look at what they actually do – at how they are conducting themselves and at what others unrelated to them say about them. People and groups with poor values are often quite good at hiding that fact.

