Christmas spirit

Christmas spirit


 In parts of the Bahamas, they weren't really expecting anything for Christmas, not after hurricane Dorian, which wiped out 13000 homes and killed at least 70 people. But Arrol Barnett found the holiday spirit is stronger than even a category five storm. As hurricane Dorian battered Grand Bohama island last September, Tamar Steward and his partner Keyon Morris scrambled to save their family. I was like thinking just bring my head, just save my kids. Everything gone. Days later, they returned to find little to salvage. But as with so many Bohamians, the damage goes far beyond their possessions. So they wake up screaming... ... like traumatized what they do. Wake up in the night crying. More than three months after the most powerful hurricane ever recorded here. The water is not safe to drink; 300 people are still listed as missing, and some 30000 Bahamian yps remain homeless. That's why Johnny Morris, the founder of Bass Pro shop with the nonprofit convoy of hope are importing a four-day holiday fest. I just started thinking, now, what can we do for the kids? Can we make them happy? 10000 people attended opening night. Christmas music, Santa claus and amusement rides help them put aside the pain of hurricane recovery. There was even a surprise from above. Sky divers dressed as Elvis. As Tamar and Keyon left, this temporary wonderland, their arms were filled with toys and groceries, their hearts with joy and gratitude. When is the last time you've seen them that happy? Ah, what should I see before this phone? We just want these kids to have some fun time and forget about rough times, even for a little while. Just one effort to make sure Dorian smaller survivors feel the joy. This holiday season. Arrol Barnett CBS news freeport, the bahamas. That was a nice gift for them. Although i've never seen a flying elvis before tomorrow on the CBS evening news, the story behind this photo, why it's getting noisy in the firehouse. And it's not just the alarm bells. I'm gonna be watching. That's tonight's CBS evening news. I'm Norah O'donnell in Washington. We'll see you right back here tomorrow. Good night.

