E004 | 说书 - 你为什么总忙不过来?一次只专注于一件最重要的事

E004 | 说书 - 你为什么总忙不过来?一次只专注于一件最重要的事


这一集我们介绍的书是《the ONE thing - The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results》。作者Gary Keller 是全球最大的房地产公司之一Keller Williams的董事长。这本书300多次登上美国各大畅销书榜单,在纽约时报,华尔街日报和亚马逊网上都曾持续长时间排名第一,被亚马逊网评为“2015年最佳读物”。

这本书的中心意思如果用一句话来概括就是Think big, but focus on one most important thing at a time。把目标定得远大,但一次只关注于一件最重要的事。多米诺骨牌中,一个很小的骨牌可以最终推翻一个巨大的骨牌。那么人生中的巨大成就也是由一系列小的行动在一段时间内积累和连锁反应生成的。取得巨大成功的关键就是要集中精力,找到那个最初最小的骨牌,对此努力。

The Misleading Lies


1.   Everything matters equally. 每件事都一样重要,同等对待。

“The things which are most important don’t scream the loudest. “


A small percentage of what you do account for a large percentage of the results you experience.

但是我们生活中的事情经常越积越多,待办事项清单越来越长。每天忙得筋疲力尽,却并不一定有很大的成效。作者提到你需要用新的思维来看 “待办事项“。多劳并不一定多得。你需要的不是长长的待办事项清单,而是简短的成功事项清单,上面是你认真思考过的最能助你成功的核心事项。

“You don’t need a To-Do list, you need a Success List – a list purposely designed around your highest leverage activities...Achievers must have an eye for the essential, and always work from a clear sense of priority. “

2.   Multitasking.  同时做多件事效率更高。

“If you catch two rabbits, you will not catch either one.“ 


有人会说我们经常变走路边发打电话,不就是multitasking吗。我们的确可以同时做两件不同的事,因为大脑有不同的频道 (brain channels),大脑的不同部分可以同时处理不一样的数据信息。但是,你事实上没有专注于其中的任何一件。You’re not really focused on both activities.  你需要专注的时候,就一定只能做一件事。比如你在对讲机里指导飞机降落的时候,你一定不会在走路。你在走绳索穿越峡谷的时候,也一定不会说话。


“Distraction undermines results. When you try to do too much at once, you can end up doing nothing well. Figure out what matters most in the moment and give it your undivided attention.“ 


Bounce between one activity and another, you lose time as your brain reorients to the new task.

3.    Willpower is always on will-call is a lie.  意志力随传随到。

”Willpower has a limited battery life but can be recharged with some downtime. “

你的意志力像电池一样,在某一段时间内是有限的。你用光了,就没有了,需要重新充电, 重新恢复。所以你必须学会管理好你的意志力


Don’t spread your willpower too thin.  On any given day, you have a limited supply of will power, so decide what matters and reserve your willpower for it. Do your most important work early when your willpower is strong.


Focusing Question


那其实上面的三个误区指向了一个共同的结论: Find the right thing to apply focused attention.  找到那个最重要的事,然后集中注意力完成。那怎么找到那个重要的事呢? 需要问自己一个问题。这也是贯穿全书的一个问题,是这本书里最核心的一个问题:

 “What’s the ONE Thing you can do (for whatever you want) such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” 



一个是从大局着眼, ”What’s my ONE Thing?”   我们以此给人生立下愿景和长远目标。

“This question sets the big picture.  Use this question to develop a vision for your life and the direction for your career or company; it is your strategic compass. “ 

另一个是从当下入手, “what’s my ONE Thing now?”  这让我们找到第一个多米诺骨牌,专注于眼前最重要的事。

“Use this when you first wake up and throughout the day. It keeps you focused on your most important work and, whenever you need it, helps you find the first domino in any activity. “ 


Success Habit



When you see people who seem to be super disciplined, what you are really observing are people who conditioned some great habits into their lives.


People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.“   -F.M. Alexander

Success is actually a short race – a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over. 


According to research, it takes an average of 66 days to acquire a new habit.  This number might vary for you depending on your situation, but remember that it’s not something that you can do over-night. But it is possible. And once you turn a discipline into a habit, you become better at it and it becomes easier to execute.

The Four Thieves



1.   Inability to Say “No”  不会拒绝


“Focusing is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do.“ 

“When you say yes to something, it’s imperative that you understand what you’re saying no to.“ 

“You can’t please everyone, so don’t try.“ 


2.   Fear of Chaos 害怕混乱


“The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” – William Ja mes


When you commit to your ONE Thing each day, extraordinary results ultimately occur.

3.    Poor Health Habits  忽视健康

作者本人也曾一度只顾工作而忽视了健康,压力过大,不注意饮食,缺少睡眠等等,让他付出了惨痛的代价之后,也让他领悟出 the power of the ONE Thing。


When you spend the early hours energizing yourself, you get pulled through the rest of the day with little additional effort.

4.   Environment Doesn’t Support Your Goals  不利环境

取得卓越成就,  你身边的人和你所处的环境需要支持你的目标。

To achieve extraordinary results, the people around you and your physical surroundings must support your goals.


Attitude is contagious. Surround yourself with people who have positive attitudes and good health habits. Also, hanging out with people who seek success will strengthen your motivation and positively push your performance.


The right people in your life and the right physical environment on your daily path will support your efforts to get to your ONE Thing.

以上就是The One Thing 这本书里的主要内容。不是所有事情都一样重要,同时做几件事效率未必更高,意志力不是说有就有,要学会管理和控制。想要取得卓越成就,要知道人生最重要的事是什么,然后一步一步倒推,找到当下最重要的事是什么。


Gary Keller & Jay Papason: 《the ONE thing - The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results》


  • A small percentage of what you do account for a large percentage of the results you experience.

  • Achievers must have an eye for the essential, and always work from a clear sense of priority.

  • If you catch two rabbits, you will not catch either one.

  • Figure out what matters most in the moment and give it your undivided attention.

  • Don’t spread your willpower too thin.  Do your most important work early when your willpower is strong.

  • People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.  -F.M. Alexander

  • Success is actually a short race – a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over. 

  • Focusing is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do.

  • The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

  • Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher。

