【英文原声版03】Peter Bol:The Great Learning

【英文原声版03】Peter Bol:The Great Learning





Peter Bol and China



Peter Bol: When I was first learning it I studied with a prince of the last Chinese imperial dynasty, the Ching dynasty. And he said well you have to memorize this text, and I said well teacher, I’m an American. We don’t memorize much anymore. And he said no, no, it’s only because you don’t know how to memorize.




Peter Bol: And so he said, yo​u memorize like this: and he chanted the text. And sure enough, if you treat the text like a song to sing, so to speak, it’s easy to memorize.




Peter Bol: It goes something like this: 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。物有本末,​事有终始。知所先后,则近道矣。




Peter Bol: My name’s Peter Bol.​ I teach Chinese history at Harvard.




Zachary Davis: So, when I asked you to think about a book that changed history in significant ways, you have oriented this book. Tell us about The Great Learning and why it came to mind.




Peter Bol: Well, The Great Learning is one of what’s called the four books in the later Confucian tradition. It’s not very long. The main text is only about 205 Chinese characters, so translated it might come to about 400 or 500 words in English. And then there’s a series of chapters which elaborate on or comment on the main text.




Zachary Davis: Welcome to Writ Large【本课程英文版名称,为喜马拉雅官方自制】, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. In each episode, I speak to a scholar about one book that changed the course of history. In this episode, I sat down with Peter Bol to talk about The Great Learning, an ancient Chinese text that continues to shape the lives of more than a billion people.





The Great Learning Beceome Well-Known in Song Dynasty?



Zachary Davis: Nobody knows exactly who wrote The Great Learning, but it reflects the teachings of Confucius, and it likely first appeared in the Confucian Book of Rites around 2,000 years ago.




Peter Bol: This text begins with a famous set of phrases. It says, 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。 “The way of great learning lies in illuminating or illustrating one’s luminous virtue by being one or familiar with the people and ending up in the highest good.”




Peter Bol: It’s a text that’s interesting particularly because in the 11th and 12th centuries when it’s pulled out of another one of the Confucian classics called the Book of Rites—by that point the text has been around already for at least 1,000 years—and it’s pulled out and they start to focus on this text and another text or two in partic​ular and say this really is, has fundamental ideas for us today.




Zachary Davis: 1,000 years had passed by the time these neo-Confucian scholars picked up the Great Learning. Chinese culture had changed in major ways, new technologies and institutions had emerged, culture had evolved, and dynasties had come and gone. So, the 11th and 12th-century neo-Confucian scholars drew new meanings from the ancient text.




Peter Bol: To illustrate that point that the meaning changes, in the original it’s fairly clear that the person who was being addressed was the ruler. This was a book that says to the ruler: you should show your virtue. You should act a certain way toward the common people. And you should bring about the highest good. It was about rulers and government.




Peter Bol: But as it gets interpreted in the 11th and 12th centuries, it comes to be how everybody who learns should be. And it becomes a text for everyone that says everyone has the rig​ht to participate, at least at an intellectual level, in the process of governing.




Zachary Davis: So it sounds like in some ways it’s collapsing the distinction between upper and lower classes. Their aspirations.




Peter Bol: Absolutely. Or between, what we might say, between people who have formal political power and people who are engaged in learning and culture but don’t have formal politi​cal positions.




Zachary Davis: These interpreters knew what they were doing. They wanted to collapse the distinctions between those with formal political power and those without, and to draw a straight line from the student to the governmental leaders. Learning, they argued, was what gave a person power.





The Main Points of the Great Learning



Zachary Davis: The text makes three main points. First, you have to have some virtue that you let others see. Second, you have to have a relationship with the people. The 11th and 12th century interpreters understood that to mean that you had to change or transform the people.




Peter Bol: And the third you have to have a sense of your ultimate goal, the highest goal, whatever that’s going to mean. Then it goes on and it says it’s only if you know you​r goal, the highest good, it’s only if you know where you’re going to stop that you actually can start to really stabilize your mind and focus.




Peter Bol: And it’s only then that you can go through a process that leads to understanding. In some sense, what this text is saying is there’s an order to things, there are things that are ​more fundamental that you have to do first that have consequences later. Well, what are those? And that’s, the core of the text, the most important part, are called the eight steps.




Zachary Davis: These eight steps layout the order of events, starting with the highest good. If someone’s aim is to manifest their virtue, they have to first organize their state. If they want to organize their state, they have to organize their family.




Zachary Davis: But to organize their family, they have to cultivate themselves. To cultivate themselves, they have to make their heart and mind correct. To make their heart and mind correct, they have to make their will sincere. If they want to make their will sincere, they have to first attain knowledge. And attaining knowledge depended on a phrase that the neo-Confucian interpreters translated as investigating things.




Peter Bol: So that vision, then, is a vision that connects the cultivation of the self with social responsibility, with political responsibility, and says “all these things are connected.”​




Zachary Davis: Individuals hold great power—in this way, the focus is on the individual. But the purpose of self-cultivation goes beyond the individual. It’s not self-cultivation for its own sake.





The Vision of the Great Learning



Peter Bol: Sometimes in my generation, when you start to get the appearance of gurus and self-help seminars and things like that, it was all about me and feeling good about m​yself.




Peter Bol: The Great Learning isn’t about that. The Great Learning says no, no. you are learning in order to understand something, and understanding it leads you to a way of beha​ving and of acting on others in family and in government and ultimately bringing peace to the world. These things should be connected. Does everyone connect them? No. does everyone necessarily end up serving in government? No. but everyone can cultivate themselves.




Peter Bol: As the final line goes: 自​天子以至于庶人,壹是皆以修身为本。 “From the son of heaven down to the common person, everyone takes the cultivation of the self as the fundamental.” And that’s what this great learning is about.




Zachary Davis: In other words, if every person, from the common man to the leaders in government, commits to education, then the city, the country, and the world will be in harmony.





How the Great Learning Affected Chinese Rulers



Peter Bol: Now, the reality is that no Chinese dynasty lasted for more than 250, 300 years. But there certainly was a conviction that if people and rulers would devote themselves ​to learning, that they could make it work.




Zachary Davis: This approach to governing was different than most.




Peter Bol: You know, China was unique in world history from the 11th century, actually late 10th century on, its governing elite was composed of people who were learned. There’s an exception to that, and the exception to that is under the Mongols because many of the Mongols were illiterate, and yet they had to employ literate people to govern.




Peter Bol: But when the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci goes to China in the 16th century, he writes in his account of the country he’s in, he says, you know, this is a country where philosophers are kings. Now, who said philosophers are kings? Plato. That’s the perfect world. Right? He doesn’t see military elites, he doesn’t see feuda​l lords, he sees literati. And then he backtracks and he says well, of course the emperor is not a philosopher, but he’s surrounded by philosophers, he’s surrounded by people who learn.




Peter Bol: And that is one of the great achievements of Chinese civilization: to believe that the best kind of government is a government which is led by people who are there by virtue of their merit, and their merit is measured by their learning.





How the Great Learning Changed China



Zachary Davis: Let’s talk a little bit more about its enduring influence. How did this book change the world?




Peter Bol: It changes the people that it gives us a China that’s unified. It gives us a China that’s powerful and a China that believes that education makes the difference. Educati​on is the key to your future as an individual but also to the future of a country.




Zachary Davis: This attitude still resonates today, despite the anti-intellectualism of the mid- 20th century Cultural Revolution.




Peter Bol: China is a country that has multiplied the number of college students by at least ten times in the last twenty years. And so the number of learned people in China, one could say​, is approaching the size of the American population.





How the Great Learning Shaped Chinese People's Personality



Zachary Davis: Understanding the legacy of The Great Learning can help to upend certain assumptions that people from America and China have about each other and themselves. To illustrate these assumptions, Professor Bol tells a story.




Peter Bol: I was in China and I was with a bunch of my graduate students and Chinese colleagues with their students, and we were doing some research on local society and visiting old villages. And we got stuck on the road. And I said to the driver, I said, well why don’t we get out? Lighten the load, we all get off, and we p​ush the bus. And he said no that won’t work. I said shouldn’t we try? He said no, no, that won’t work.




Peter Bol: And so after another ten minutes of just sitting there, I said why would not try this, in English and in Chinese, I said, this is the problem, we’re going to all get off the bus, ​and we’re going to push it. And all the American students immediately got up off the bus. And all the Chinese students and my Chinese colleagues just sat there, even though I had said this in Chinese too. And I heard one of the Chinese colleagues say to another, look at those Americans—their leader says gives them one command and off they go. They just obey like that.




Peter Bol: And then I had to go row by row and explain to each row of people, what we were doing and why and ask them if they would be so kind as to get off the bus and help. And then we pushed it and got out of the rut. The next day, I see my friend who had said this—look at those Americans and how they behave—and I said to him​, what is it you admire about America? Ah, he said. What I admire about America is you have no individuality. You all obey rules all the time. You’re all alike. We Chinese, we’re too individualist. We need to learn more from you. We need to be more like you and get rid of some of our individuality and become more collective.




Peter Bol: Now, I thought that was a really, really interesting comment to make because what he saw and what we saw…not always the same. But if you think about it, we live in a society where we have rules, and they’re so much a part of our lives we don’t pay attention to them. We accept them all the time. China is much more of a ne​gotiated place. Everybody has to agree with somebody else. You have to negotiate everything.




Peter Bol: And in some ways, The Great Learning fits that too because The Great Learning says, no, you individual must have your understanding of things. You must respond to the world. You must bring your understanding of what’s conducive to unity. But it’s still concerned with unity—it’s still an ideal. And so my friend who saw Americans as admirable because they were so collectivist and so uniform, and so lacking in individuality, was in some sense articulating this desire for ​unity that we find at the basis of The Great Learning.




Zachary Davis: Writ Large Writ Large为喜马拉雅独家自制《哈佛通识课》的英文版名称】 is an exclusive production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Galen Beebe and me, Zachary Davis, with help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu, Wendy Wu, and Monica Zhang. Music is by Blue Dot Sessions. Don’t miss an episode, subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening!



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    然后我不得不一排一排的去解释,我们在做什么,为什么这么做,如果他们愿意下车帮忙就太好了。最后我们把车推了出去。第二天,见到那个说“看看那些美国人和他们的表现”的同事,我对他说,你羡慕美国什么呢? 他说,羡慕你们非个体化,你们总是遵守规则,并且都一样。我们中国人,太个体化了,我们需要向你们学习更多,摆脱个体主义,更有集体感。 现在我觉得这个评论很有趣,因为他看到的和我们看到的不总是一样。你可以想一下,我们生活在一个有规则的社会里,它们是我们生活的一部分,但我们很少注意到,我们总是接受。中国是一个充满商量的国家,每个人都需要同意其他人,不得不妥协。

  • 生如夏花_i97

    当时我在中国,和我的一群研究生、中国同事以及他们的学生一起,到基层社会做研究、拜访古镇。 我们陷在半路上了,我对司机说“为什么不下车推呢?卸下重行李,都下车推。”他说“没用。”“不应该试试吗?”“不,没用的。” 又坐了十分钟,我又说,为什么不试一下,用英文、中文都说了,我们都下车推。所有的美国学生立刻下了车,但是所有的中国学生和同事只是坐在那,尽管我也用中文说了。这时,我听到一个中国同事对另一个人说,“看看这些美国人, 他们的领导下一个命令,他们都下去了,他们总是这样遵守命令。”

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