纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-25

纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-25



在纽约英语口语网学习中,将句子背下来。句子是对话中的最小单位,里面包含了单词、句型、时态、固定搭配、惯用法、俚语等。然后再用单词替换,这样就能产生许多句子。按照你对话的情景来造句。反复将句子说出来,你的英语口语会提高非常快。一口流利的英语会使你的命运有所改变。纽约英语口语网 ny-yy.com

  • Sophia7256

    alone 单独的;单独地;仅仅;只有 Leave me alone. Do you like living alone? The service fee alone is 30 dollars.

  • Sophia7256

    fill 充满;装满 My heart was filled with joy when I saw her again. Fill out the form, and then give it back to me.

  • Sophia7256

    refill 再装满;续杯;补充包,补充笔芯 He asked the waiter to refill his glass with water. A large coke is $30. Refills are free.

  • Sophia7256

    heart 心;心脏 My heart was beating fast with excitement. I know this poem by heart. He is serious in appearance but kind at heart.

  • Sophia7256

    nature 大自然;本质,天性 I love nature, which is why I enjoy the country life. It is just part of John’s nature to be friendly with people.

  • Sophia7256

    report 报导;报告 Peter did a report on butterflies. All the major newspapers reported the fairytale wedding. Report to me after you’ve finished the work.

  • Sophia7256

    drive 开车;驱赶;迫使;驾驶;驾车兜风;车程;磁碟槽 I drive my son to school every day. They tried everything they could to drive the cat away. That noise is driving me crazy.

  • Sophia7256

    My wife is just learning how to drive. Would you like to go for a drive? It’s a one-hour drive to that restaurant. I just bought a new hard drive for my computer.

  • Sophia7256

    driver 驾驶人;驱动程序 My father is a taxi driver. You need a driver to solve the problem.

  • Sophia7256

    either 也;也不;两者之一 He can’t sing, and he can’t dance either. A: Would you like coffee or tea? B: Either will do. Either you or he is wrong.