纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-27

纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-27



在纽约英语口语网学习中,将句子背下来。句子是对话中的最小单位,里面包含了单词、句型、时态、固定搭配、惯用法、俚语等。然后再用单词替换,这样就能产生许多句子。按照你对话的情景来造句。反复将句子说出来,你的英语口语会提高非常快。一口流利的英语会使你的命运有所改变。纽约英语口语网 ny-yy.com

  • Sophia7256

    prove 证明;显示;结果是 I will prove to you that what I said was true. She proved to be an ideal wife.

  • Sophia7256

    earth 地球;土壤 Everyone should do their part to protect the earth. We try to cover the box with earth. He is the tallest man on earth. What on earth is he doing?

  • Sophia7256

    floor 地板;楼层 Be careful! The floor is wet. I live on the fifth floor.

  • Sophia7256

    roof 屋顶 We need to get someone to fix the roof as soon as possible. As long as I live under my parents’ roof, I must be home by 10:30 p.m..

  • Sophia7256

    market 市场;销路;行销 This market is open every morning until noon. This company controls the flower market. They wanted to market the product for people aged twenty to thirty. This new product will soon be on the market.

  • Sophia7256

    near 近的;接近;在……附近;快要…… My school is quite near. The Chinese Lunar New Year is drawing near. She lives near the MRT station. =She lives close to the MRT station. The museum is near completion. The boat was nearing the beach.

  • Sophia7256

    river 河 We went fishing in the nearby river.

  • Sophia7256

    lot 许多;一群;一块空地;签 Don’t worry! I still have a lot of money left. This lot of books sells very well. They asked the government to build more parking lots for local people. We drew lots to decide who has to do this job.

  • Sophia7256

    station 车站;局,所,队;使驻扎,部署 That train stops at every station. The fire engines are kept at the fire station. Security guards were stationed at every entrance.