纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-32

纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-32



在纽约英语口语网学习中,将句子背下来。句子是对话中的最小单位,里面包含了单词、句型、时态、固定搭配、惯用法、俚语等。然后再用单词替换,这样就能产生许多句子。按照你对话的情景来造句。反复将句子说出来,你的英语口语会提高非常快。一口流利的英语会使你的命运有所改变。纽约英语口语网 ny-yy.com

  • Sophia7256

    marry 结婚;嫁;娶 Do you know when Jane will marry John? =Do you know when Jane will be married to John? =Do you know when Jane and John will get married?

  • Sophia7256

    married 已婚的 Everybody knows that he is married.

  • Sophia7256

    blood 血 Blood is thicker than water.

  • Sophia7256

    farm 农场;耕种,务农 John was brought up on the farm. He farms for a living.

  • Sophia7256

    farmer 农夫 The farmers worked the land until the sun went down.

  • Sophia7256

    wrong 恶;不对的事;错误的;不正当的;有毛病的;不对的 He is too young to tell right from wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right. Most of the answers he wrote were wrong. It’s wrong to take something that isn’t yours. I just don’t know where we went wrong. If you guess wrong, you’ll lose one point.

  • Sophia7256

    wide 宽的;广泛的;张大地;十分地 The room was only 5 feet wide. =The room was only 5 feet in width. He likes to read a wide variety of books in his free time. The actor stood with his mouth wide open. Sophie couldn’t fall asleep and was wide awake all night.

  • Sophia7256

    widely 广泛地 The concept is widely excepted.

  • Sophia7256

    sale 销售;特价拍卖 Sales of computers were up last year. This department store is having a sale on clothes.