Confucius remarked, "He who rules the people, depending upon the moral sentiment. is like the Pole-star, which keeps its place while all the other stars revolve round it.”
Confucius remarked, "The Book of Ballads, Songs and Psalms contains three hundred pieces.
The moral of them all may be summed up in one sentence: 'Have no evil thoughts.”
Now called the Canon of Poetry, one of the so-called five Classics, in the Bible of China.
1)百度了一下,「北极星」英语為 Polaris 。北极星是离「北极」最近的星。2)「天極」英语為 celestial pole ;「北天極」英语為 north celestial pole,实际上是「天旋」之極线。站在地球北半球看,它是虚空中一个不动的「点」,该点処实际并没有星。3)从《論語》中一些语录推测,孔子所说的北辰,指「北天極」的可能性更大。关于这一点,刘宝楠《論語正義》中讲得很详细。