学而第一 食无求饱 居无求安

学而第一 食无求饱 居无求安

A disciple of Confucius remarked, "If you make promises within the bounds of what is right, you will be able to keep your word.

If you confine earnestness (严肃)within the bounds of judgment and good taste, you will keep out of discomfiture (狼狈)and insult If you make friends of those with whom you ought to, you will be able to depend upon them.”


Confucius remarked, "A wise and good man, in matters of food, should never seek to indulge (沉迷于) his appetite; in lodging, he should not be too solicitous (渴望的)of comfort.

He should be diligent in business and careful in speech. He should seek for the company of men of virtue and learning, in order to profit by their lessons and example. In this way he may become a man of real culture.”
