特蕾莎·梅 | 我将带着自豪与遗憾离开

特蕾莎·梅 | 我将带着自豪与遗憾离开


J: I suppose in those three years, there have been so many difficult moments, how did you manage to get through it all? I mean, your colleagues often talk about your astonishing resilience, just that ability to keep going, where do you think it comes from?


PM: To be honest, I don’t know. I mean, I guess it’s just sort of me, but I mean it’s important that I have had Philip, my husband, is hugely supportive and that’s been important. I have always said that the other important thing is to keep a vision on where you’re trying to get to, what you want to achieve. So that there will be setbacks, there will be problems. Sadly of course, I have not manage to get Brexit over the line, I’m disappointed about that and frustrated about that, but you keep that end goal in sight, whatever you are doing.


J: I mean some of those nights, those big votes, those big defeats in the Commons, when you worked so hard to try to get a deal, I mean you say that sometimes you are frustrated. Did you just come home here at the end of the day and feel really angry that people who said they wanted to get Brexit down just would not vote for a deal that you work hard to achieve?


PM: I suppose, I assume that Parliament had voted to give people the choice that they then voted to trigger Article 50, 80% of people in 2017 election voted for parties that said they would respect the referendum and I assume that people therefore would be eager to get Brexit over the line and to support delivering on the vote for people. But it was a disappointment and what happens when you’ve lost a vote like that. Yes, you have, you reflect on why and what has happened, but then you actually have to pick yourself up and the team has to pick itself up and you go out. Because you’ve got to work out how can we try to get this through.


J: Was there ever a moment when you sat there at the end of a hard day and just thought actually, I just wish it was over?


PM: There are moments when I sat here and thought, I wish we got Brexit over the line. I wish we had actually managed to achieve that through the thing, we are going to have another go at that, but because there was always that sense I’ve had of wanting to deliver Brexit, but also the other things I wanted to do as Prime Minister, many of the things I have been unable to do. That’s what Kept me on, spur me on.


J: Will you leave here as well with happy memories as a place of work but also somewhere that you lived and doing a job that you dreamt of doing for a long time?


PM: Yes I will leave with happy memories, I mean it’s not, I felt at home here as Prime Minister, but it’s not obliviously the home that Philip and I built up together. And it is as I had said, very much a place of work, but there are happy memories because it is an immense privilege to be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It’s a huge honour. It has a huge responsibility. But I’m immensely proud to have been able to do it for three years.


J: So now we are at the famous staircase. So before too long, your picture will be up there. What you hope people will remember of you in years to come compared to all of these other Prime Minister?


PM: Well the first thing I hope is that people will recognise me as the second female Prime Minister, and I actually hope in years to come there will be more women on the wall as Prime Minister.


J: Is that something that’s been on your mind a lot during your time in the office?


PM: Not consciously, but it’s interesting. I do get particularly young girls who will say how great it is to have a woman as Prime Minister and how that spurs them on to be ambitious for the future.


  • 唐山三海

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