绝望主妇 | 精讲第58期: 出轨可以被原谅吗

绝望主妇 | 精讲第58期: 出轨可以被原谅吗



Scene 1

Lynette: "How could you do something like this to Alison?" 
Rodney: "I don't know. I don't know, it happens a little bit at a time. Years go by, the kids burn you out, I'm on the road so much, we just drifted apart. It's complicated." 
Lynette: "It's not complicated. It's completely irresponsible." 
Rodney: "For years, I have stayed married to a woman that I don't love because I made a vow to God. So don't talk to me about responsibilities!" 
Lynette: "But your take on this is you're the victim?"

Rodney: "Oh, I can see that, uh, we're just going to have to agree to disagree."

(He picks up the bagel to leave.) 
Lynette: "We're not done here." 
Rodney: "Oh yeah, we are! Cause my sex life is my own business. Not yours. And there's nothing you can do about it anyway."

Scene 2

Tom: "Lynette?" 
Lynette: "Yeah..." 
Tom: "Why is my dad sitting out on the curb?" 
Lynette: "Because I kicked him out of the house." 
Tom: "I see. You want to tell me why?" 
Lynette: "Hold on. I made you a drink." 
Tom: "Oh God, what did he do?" 
Lynette: "Yesterday, I came home, and I walked in on your dad with a woman. He's having an affair. I am so, so sorry. I know. Are you okay?"

Tom: "Yeah, um, I should go talk to him." 
Lynette: "That's it?" 
Tom: "What?" 
Lynette: "I just, I expected a bigger reaction. I've been sitting here with knots in my stomach."

Tom: "Okay, look, I never mentioned this before, because I knew how you'd react, but, um, I'm not that surprised by this. My father's been having affairs for years." 
Lynette: "You knew about this?" 
Tom: "Yeah."
(Lynette gasps.) 
Tom: "Kind of. I mean, it was mostly in the past. I mean, I didn't know that he was still at it. I mean, I figured he was getting too old. In some strange way, I'm actually impressed, you know?"

Lynette: "Impressed? Impressed? I-Tom, please, please don't tell me you're all right with this!" 
Tom: "I'm not! No! No! He should never have brought that woman over here!" 
Lynette: "No, he should never have been with her in the first place!" 
Tom: "I know, I know! But you know, that's who he is, and I mean, it's been going on for years. My mom's made peace with it." 
Lynette: "I seriously doubt that." 
Tom: "Look, you know, there's no point in talking about this. But, I'm going to go get my father, I'm going to bring him back in here, I'm going to put him in his room, and we can all just cool off."

Lynette: "That man is not coming back in this house." 
Tom: "Yes, he is!" 
Lynette: "No, he's not." 
Tom: "Lynette. He is my father. This is my house. You can't tell me what to do."

Scene 3

Lynette: "I overreacted, I know. I'm sorry." 
Tom: "Look, I know you love my mom, but how she decides to live her life, is, it's entirely up to her." 
Lynette: "You're right. You're right. I guess I just got so upset because - oh, whatever, let's not beat a dead horse, it's over, I'm sorry, good night."

Tom: "Okay, get it off your chest."

Lynette: "Well, you knew your father was having an affair, and it didn't seem to bother you that much. And that worries me, because if you can find it in you to condone something like that, then what's gonna happen when you've been on the road for forty years?"

Tom: "Lynette, I'm not my father!" 
Lynette: "I know, of course. You're not your father. And just so we're absolutely clear, I am definitely not your mother, because if you ever betray me, I will leave you. I will take the kids, and I will walk out that door, and you will never see any of us again."
(She exhales loudly.) 
Lynette: "Glad to get that off my chest. Thank you."

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  • 浠流flow


    A小君 回复 @浠流flow: 节目文稿里有写呀。。

  • 念无2105
  • 苏青_u2


  • 34x64966m0815


  • Awyawy


  • 1858036jmvi


  • 听友37949919


  • SunseBoulevard

    lots thing new to me this episode . afraid to take a while .