Bree: Open the door please.
Andrew (off screen): Hang on.
(Andrew opens his door.)
Andrew: What?
Bree: Can I come in?
Andrew: No.
Bree: Well, I want to talk to you.
Andrew: Then talk.
(Bree folds her arms across her chest.)
Bree: Where were you last night?
Andrew: Brian's.
Bree: I spoke to Brian's mother. Now tell me again where you were last night and this time don't lie to me.
Andrew: Where did you say dad was again? In Philadelphia?
Bree: Andrew, don't change the subject.
Andrew: I'm sorry. I thought the subject was telling lies. I called dad's cell phone and I know he moved out.
Bree: Well, it's just temporary and-I thought it would upset you, so I was protecting you.
Andrew: Whatever. You lied, so stop pretending like you have some sort of moral authority.
Bree: Andrew, just because I chose not to share my marital problems with you does not give you the right to be rude.
Andrew: How about driving my father away? Do I get to be rude then?
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moral UK /ˈmɒrəl/ US /ˈmɔːrəl/ 道德(上)的
Philadelphia (Geographical name) UK /ˌfɪləˈdelfiə/ 费城
moral authority 道德模范 authority UK /ɔːˈθɒrəti/ n.专家
宣仔讲故事 回复 @清荷雅音: 腻害!
pretend 1 UK /prɪˈtend/ US /prɪˈtend/ 假装, 假扮, 佯装
marital 英l#ˈmærɪtlr#
martial problem 婚姻问题 martial life 婚姻生活
vivi_uf0 回复 @千言千当不如一默: marital
A小君 回复 @来福福静静: