Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day


Teachers’ Day
Today is Teacher’s Day. Our teachers have one day off and we don’t go to school. It is sunny and cool, we are having a good time with Mr. Zhang in the park. Mr. Zhang teaches us English, he is strict and smart, we all like him very much. We really want to celebrate Teacher’s Day for him, so we make him a big beautiful card, we all write best wishes in the card, Mr. Zhang is so moved when he sees the card. We are very happy together, we sing ,we dance and we play games together, we have a wonderful day today.
Teachers’ Day  教师节
one day off (a day off)  一天假  two days off 两天假
The kids have one day off for Children’s Day.
strict   adj.严格的,严谨的
My Chinese teacher is very strict.
smart  adj.聪明的
She is a smart young lady.
card   n. 卡片
best wishes 祝福,最美好的祝愿
moved adj. 受感动的  touched

  • 1815091fxmx

    老师的声音真好听 讲的也很细致 我爱听 多谢老师

    李老师少儿英语 回复 @1815091fxmx: 谢谢你喜欢节目我好开心啊😃

  • 麒儿2008
