Review of Module13

Review of Module13


Review of module13

Chinese Festival   中国节日

the Spring Festival 春节  ; the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节; 

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节    the Lantern Festival 元宵节

pay a visit to sb. 拜访某人   

pay a Spring Festival visit to sb. 给某人拜年

pay a New Year visit to sb. 给某人拜年

relative  n. 亲戚

firecracker鞭炮   mooncake月饼  rice dumpling粽子 , 

Dragon Boat race, 龙舟比赛;赛龙舟 

traditional  adj. 传统的

Celebrate  v.庆祝,祝贺

according to  根据, 按照; 据....所说

lunar calendar  阴历

glutinous adj. 粘的.    glutinous rice糯米

take place  发生,举行

The Halloween party will take place next week.

southern  adj.南方的,南部的

southern China  中国南方

where 哪里,在哪里

此处是where引导的定语从句,where后面的there are many rivers and lakes用来修饰where前面的 the southern China

This is Xi’an where I have lived for fourty years.

This is the place where I was born.

The Mid-Autumn Festival  中秋节

on August 15th  在八月十五日

August  八月 September 九月   October十月

Lunar calendar 农历,阴历

fall  v.落下

in the open air  在户外

the story of   关于….的故事

Teachers’ Day  教师节

one day off (a day off)  一天假  two days off 两天假

The kids have one day off for Children’s Day.

strict   adj.严格的,严谨的

My Chinese teacher is very strict.

smart  adj.聪明的

She is a smart young lady.

card   n. 卡片

best wishes 祝福,美好的祝愿

moved adj. 受感动的  touched

I am deeply touched.

  • 麒儿2008


    李老师少儿英语 回复 @麒儿2008: 什么全是词语?

  • 麒儿2008
