(Level 2)-Day_33 The Best Teacher

(Level 2)-Day_33 The Best Teacher





1.animated 活泼的

2.general 将军

3.reverently 恭敬地

4.fictional 虚构的


The Best Teacher

I have had a lot of teachers.

Some of them were goodand some of them were boring.

There is one teacher whom I remember very well.

He is the best teacher that I ever had.

His name is Mr. Alban.

He was a history teacher.

History is not my favorite subject.

I don't really enjoy history a lot.

When I was in Mr. Alban's classhe made history seem exciting.

He was more of an actor than a teacher.

If he was describing a warhe would make us feel all the emotions that the soldiers and their families would have felt.

We could hear almost the guns firing and the people shouting.

He would paint a picture in our minds that was very vivid.

When I had a history test in his classI didn't have to learn much.

I would remember every word that he had said.

I would see him doing the actions that went along with his stories.

He was very animated.

He would shouted out orders as if he was a generalor he would speak softly and reverently when describing the death of a great hero.

The most important thing that I learned from Mr. Alban was that I did really like history.

I just thought that I didn't like it because most people make it dull by just reading from the textbooks.

History is not a series of dates and dull facts.

History is what really happened.

History is real life.

All the historical figures had really families and emotions.

They weren't just fictional people.

After I took history from Mr. AlbanI realized that I really did have an interest in it.

He was my favorite teacherand I will always be grateful to him for making me aware of just how interesting history really is.

  • 小燕爱花花


  • 红薯土豆老王


  • 听友316515604
