2016年6月期 第10集(06.14)今日话题:leisure time

2016年6月期 第10集(06.14)今日话题:leisure time


20160614 Morning Voice Fighting!MV473天]《leisure time


Q. What do the people mostly do in their leisure time in your country?

A. We have a large country with a large population from different ethnicities and cultures. Their leisure activities thus vary to a great extent. Leisure activities among the city dwellers and villagers are not same also. But commonly people go outside for shopping, to meet friends, to watch movies(探索词搭-眼睛) in their leisure time. Many people walk in the morning and evening(时间词搭) and also visit relatives and friends. Young generation mostly prefer to hang out with their friends and use internet in their leisure time. There are some sports lovers as well who mostly play different outdoor sports in their leisure time.

l to meet friends, to watch movies去交朋友,看电影【探索词搭-眼睛】

l in the morning and evening早上和晚上【时间词搭】

Q. What's the difference between holidays today and 5 years ago and the reasons for the change?

A. Five years back, people were not much concerned about their holidays. Bu now, people give more importance for their holidays especially in planning stage. In addition, in the past people spent maximum one or two days for holidays. At present, one week is considered as minimum span of time for holidays. The selection holiday destinations have also changed.



In the morning and evening 早上和晚上(时间词搭)

why do you often walk

