2016年6月期 第15集(06.22)今日话题:museum

2016年6月期 第15集(06.22)今日话题:museum

20160622 Morning Voice Fighting! MV481天]《museum


Q.  Do you work or study?

A.  Currently I am studying and working as well.

Q.  Is your profession popular in your country?

A.  Well, yes, my profession is popular in Russia. Originally, I am from Russia. I am an accountant. And you can find many other successful accountants in Russia. This is a demanding and well paid job【感受词搭】in my country.

l  a demanding and well paid job有挑战性和高薪酬的工作【感受词搭】

Q. Did you enjoy visiting museums when you were a child?

A.  When I was a child, I really enjoyed visiting museums because it was interesting for me to see the real things form the past.【探索词搭——眼睛】

l see the real things form the past看到过去发生的真实的事情【【探索词搭——眼睛】

Q.  When did you visit a museum last time?

A. Well, my last visit was during the last school holidays, in July 2015. I went there with my son 【人物词搭】to see the exhibition of dinosaurs. 【探索词搭——眼睛】

l With my son 和我的儿子【人物词搭】

l see the exhibition of dinosaurs 看恐龙展览【探索词搭——眼睛】



l a demanding and well paid job有挑战性和高薪酬的工作【感受词搭】

Do you like your job?

  • 听友53125438
