2016年6月期 第16集(06.23)今日话题:Work with other people

2016年6月期 第16集(06.23)今日话题:Work with other people

20160623 Morning Voice Fighting! MV482天]《 work with other people


Q. Do you think it is important to do something with another person?
A. Well, it depends on what are you doing. For example, if you are doing an individual assignment, it is necessary to do it on your one. If you have to do some group work, of course, it is essential to do it with another person.

Generally, I believe that cooperation is a great skill, that requires to do some activities with different people which teach us how successfully work in a team. In today’s highly competitive environment, it is essential to do something with another person, cooperate and work or even play in a team. At the end of the day it will increase the value of both.

· a great skill 一个很棒的技能 【感受词搭】

· increase the value of both 增加你和别人的价值【欲望词搭】


Q. Is it important for children to have subjects in school that include working with another person?
A. Yes, obviously, it is necessary. We are living in the world, which includes many people. Do we want or we don’t but we have to be able to work with different people? It is a requirement at schools, at universities and at work and actually everywhere.

· to work with different people 与不同的人工作【欲望词搭】

At school children start to learn their general skills, which they will apply in the future and one of the most important skills is cooperation and work in a team.

· one of the most important skills  最重要的技能之一 【感受词搭】




· one of the most important skills  最重要的技能之一 【感受词搭】

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