


1.What does “SOPEP” mean?
“SOPEP” means “Ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan”.
2.Whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?
In case of an oil pollution incident, we shall be reported to the shipowner, the company, the agent and the authorities of the coastal countries.
3.Generally speaking, which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel under-way?
Generally speaking, the vessel underway is responsible for the damage after a collision.
4.What can be used to handle an oil spill?
Such as the oil absorbent, oil dispersants, chemical agent, rags and some other equipment can be used to handle an oil spill.
5.What will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering?
Stop the bunkering and report at once if I find some oil near my vessel while bunkering.
6.How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships?
The cargo ships shall be carried out the fire drill at least once a month.
7.What must you do first if you find a fire on board?
Sound the fire alarm and report to the bridge at once if I found a fire on board.
8.What will you first do if you see a person fall overboard?
Throw a lifebuoy to him and report to the bridge at once if I see a person fall overboard.
9.What does “fire patrol” mean?
“Fire patrol” means “Patrol to find the sign of fire go aground the vessel”.
10_What is “damage control team”?
“Damage control team” is a group of crew members to fighting against the damage to the ship from the flooding, collision, grounding and so on.
11.What is meant by “starving” a fire?
“Starving fire” means “Cut off the oxygen supply to smother the fire”.
12.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection?
Transferring the water from the shore to the ship for fire fighting.
13_How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested?
The emergency fire pump should be tested at least once a week.
14.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship?
The C02 extinguishers is most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship.
15.For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds?
The general procedure as followings sound the fire alarm, shut off all the ventilation and release C02 extinguishers.
16.What will you do first if a crew member was seriously injured?
Provide the first aid immediately and report at once if a crew member was seriously injured.
17.lf you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?
We should sound alarm and call for help at once if see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity.
18.lf you suspect someone has inhaled a dangerous substance what can you do to help even if you are not trained?
Take him to the open air and ask for professional help if I suspect someone has inhaled a dangerous substance.
19.In what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ventilation?
When the person has no breath or can not breath by himself.
20.How should you try to stop bleeding first?
Press the wound with fingers to stop bleeding first.
21.If you suspect someone has been poisoned what is the first thing you should try to do?
Try to force him to vomit at once if I suspect someone has been poisoned.
22.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound?
Stop bleeding and disinfection is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound.
23.Where are explosions most commonly encountered on board ship?
Explosions are most commonly encountered in the E/R, oil tanks, dangerous cargo holds, paint locker and so on.
24.When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed. Give three examples.
When there is a muster for an emergency, the watertight doors, fire doors and ventilators must be closed.
25,ln tidal waters what would be the best time to ?beach? the ship in an emergency?
The best time is in high water or slack water to beach the ship in an emergency.
26.lf you see a small, controlled fire on board another ship while at sea, what is the signal from the ship?
It is the distress signal from the ship.
27.lf the anchor is reported dragging, what would be your first action?
Report to the captain and stand by engine at once if the anchor is reported dragging.
28.What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation of Collision Occurrence to the Captain of the other vessel?
To make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.
29.What shall be usually attached to the report on the collision accident?
The logbook, Survey Report and Photo Pictures if necessary shall be usually attached to the report on the collision accident.
30.When should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?
When heavy weather was encountered and the ship or cargo might have been damaged should be submitted a sea protest.
31.What actions will you take after a collision with another vessel?
After a collision with another vessel, we should take coordinate actions between two vessels and stand by for rescue.
32.What is your first response when you detect a fire?
Sound the fire alarm and report to the bridge at once if I detect a fire.
33.What are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?
Such as wait for the high water, adjust ballast or deballast, shift or jettison some cargoes, ask for the assistance from the tugs are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel.
34.What are the typical deficiencies identified during security drills?
Some crew members are not familiar with the security equipment and procedures of the security drills.
35.How do you co-ordinate handling of cargoes and ship’s store with crew and PFSO?
Supervise the handing of cargoes and ship’s store with crew and PFSO according to the security level of the port.
36.What are the security concerns and potential threats to oil tankers navigating in narrow straits?
When the oil tankers navigating in narrow straits, the cargo is extremely dangerous under attack explosion and collision.
37.Where can you find more information on maritime security?
We can get more information from the flag state, port authority, agent and so on.
38.What appliance should be used to put out the fire?
The fire hose, fire extinguishers and fire blanket can be used to put out the fire.
39.What assistance is required if a fire on ship loses control?
The fire-fighting assistance is required if a fire on ship loses control.

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