


1.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?
Before releasing the bow stoppers for anchoring, we must to check the ship’s speed and the depth of water.
2.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?
No, I can not. If the depth of water is 50 meters or more, I should send the anchor to the sea bottom with the windlass and then slack away the chain slowly.
3.Why is dangerous to anchor in ice?
If the ship to anchor in ice, may be trapped by the ice and the anchor may not be brought up.
4.What’s the call sign of your ship?
My ship’s call sign is 3ELK9.
5.What’s the ship’s nationality?
The ship's nationality is PANAMA.
6.What’s  your IMO number of your ship?
My ship’s IMO number is 9431109.
7.What  type is your vessel?
My vessel is a bulk carrier.
8.How  can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?
Before a ship arrival, by VHF or TELEX get in touch with a port.
9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?
When the vessel enters the VTS area, I request to report the ship’s name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.
l0. lf you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!” How should you reply and report?
I should reply “Stand by both engines!” and report “Both engines stand by”
12.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?
ETD stand for “Estimated Time of Departure”.
13.Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?
In order not to exceed the SWL of the bow stoppers.
14 Can you list at least three mooring lines?
The mooring lines including the head line, stern line, breast line and spring line.
15.You are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention to the VTS. Using a standard message marker and a phrase, what should you say?
I should say “VTS, this is MV BEAGLE VII, I am entering the fairway”.

  • 真真宝儿


  • 听友261841876

    10月17日大事记 2016年 “神十一”发射升空 2013年 WHO首次认定PM2.5致癌 1989年 美国旧金山发生大地震 1980年 秘鲁考古证明马起源于南美洲 1963年 联合国提案要求不把核武器投入空间轨道 1963年 中国捐赠的首批物资运抵古巴 1948年 长春和平解放 1924年 直奉军阀山海关战役开始 1919年 南开大学创办 1862年 清政府制定黄龙旗为国旗 -534年 楚灭掉陈国

  • mvuoyaalsxucdy5ng0ie


  • 1835420tcdd

    第三题:why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?

  • 听友261549282

  • 听友105914755


  • 安许茨

    可以 里面还有第二章的