第一章 第一节 短文题 航海人员日常问候语

第一章 第一节 短文题 航海人员日常问候语


1. SI: What is his name?
S2: His name is Hanford Loo.
SI :What is his date of birth?
S2:His date of birth is the 17 th of April 1973.
SI :Is he married?
S2:Yes, he is married.
51: What is the name of his vessel?
52: The name of his vessel is Blue Star.
SI: What is his rank?
S2 : He is the 4th Engineer.
Q1 : What’s his date of birth?
A. On the 7th of April 1973.B. On the 17th of April 1973.
C. On the 7th of April 1937.D. On the 17th of April 1937.
Q2: What's his marital status?
A. Single.B. Married.C. Divorced.D. Widowed.
Q3 : What's his position onboard?
A He is the First Engineer.  B.He is the Second Engineer.
C. He is the Third Engineer. D. He is the Fourth Engineer
Q4:What is not mentioned in the conversation?
A. The B.  The marital status.
C. The nationality.D. The position.
2. SI: What is his name?
S2 : His name is Leon Chan.
SI : Where is he from?
S2:He is from the Philippines.
SI : What is his date of birth?
S2:His date of birth is the 4th of June 1976.
SI :Is he married?
S2:Yes, but he divorced after one year marriage.
SI : What is the name of his vessel?
S2:The name of his vessel is the Gloria Gold.
SI: What is his rank?
S2:He is an A. B.
Q1 : When was Leon Chan born?
A. On the 4th of June 1967.  B. On the 4th of June 1976.
C. On the 1st of June 1967.  D. On the 1st of June 1976
Q2 : What's  his marital status?
A_ single. B. married.C. divorced.D. widowed.
Q3 : What's his position on board?^
A. He is the cook.B.Heis the Bosun.
C. He is a rating.D.Heis a motorman.
Q4:What is not mentioned in the conversation?
A. The man’s age.B.Theman’s maritalstatus.
C. The  man's nationality.D.Thevessel's nationality.
3. SI :Hi, Jack. When will you finish your watch this afternoon?
S2:Hi, Peter. At 1600.
SI :OK. Do you have anything particular in mind? Shall we watch a movie together?
S2:Yeah, OK. What do you want to watch?
SI :Well. Captain Harworth wants everyone to watch a safety video.
S2:Well, it’s important to know more about safety. But 15 d prefer comedy for relaxation.
51:Uh, some comedies are OK, but I really like action movies.
52: But I hate action movies, they are awful!
51:OK, let5 s watch the safety film first, then choose a good video.
52: Yeah, T m sure there5 s a new horror film that? s very good.
SI :Well, anything but musicals, they are terrible
 S2:OK, see you.
Q1 : What kind of film is not mentioned in the conversation?
A. Comedy.B. Tragedy.  C. Action films.D. Musicals.
Q2:What do they decide to watch first?
A. A horror film.B. An action film. C. A safety film.D. A comedy.
Q3 : What kind of film does Peter not like most?
A. Comedies.B. Action films. C. Horror films.D. Musicals.
Q4:What kind of film does Jack not like?
A. Comedies.B. Action films. C. Horror films.D. Musicals.

4.SI :Is your washing finished?
S2:It will be soon. It’ s now in the spin cycle.
SI :I saw someone rinsing something under running water. Isn’t  that  wasteful?
 S2: Yes. Even though we can get as much water as we need from he we still need to make a habit of saving water.
51: Right. I also try not to use too much detergent. That way take less fresh water to rinse my laundry.
52:The detergent we have is really strong so just one little scoop does the job. Besides, it helps
reduce marine pollution as it breaks down easily.
S2: ok, I’m done. I’II hang up my clothes now. Wow,you have a lot of clothes to wash!
SI : I’ve been very busy and I hardly have anything clean to wear.
S2: You have to stay clean or you’ ll get sick.
Q1 : Where does the dialogue most probably take place?
A. On the bridge.B. In the mess room.
C. In the laundry.D. In the crew's cabin
Q2 : What can be done to save water while doing the washing?
A. Rinse the clothes under running water. B. Use a little strong detergent.
C. Use a lot of strong detergentD. Wash the clothes by hand.
Q3:Why does the detergent they have on board can help prevent pollution?
A.Because it breaks down easily.B. Because it is strong.
C. Because it needs less water.D. Because it is less harmful to hands.
Q4:Why does the first speaker have a lot washing to do?
A.He is ill.B. He has no detergent.
C. He's been busy.D. He hardly has anything to wear.

5.SI :You shouldn’t eat so quickly!
S2:  I ’ m starving. And the food is so good that I can ’ t help it.
51: Chewing your food well keeps you in good health.
52:I see.
SI: Don ’ t you like vegetables?•
S2:Yes, I do. Vegetables are tasteless. The meat and fish is my favourite.
SI :It? s easier for us to serve meat and fish on board. It is harder to preserve vegetables. And
it? s wasteful to have all these leftover vegetables.
S2 : I heard that meat is more nutritious and that eating meat gives you more energy than eating vegetables.
51; But to eat a good balanced meal is the most important thing.
52 I see.
Q1  What is the second speaker* s bad eating habit?
A.Eating fast.B. Speaking while eating.
C. Eating with hands.D. Eating too much.
Q2 : What does the second speaker like eating?
A.Vegetables.B. Meat only.
C. Meat and fish.D. Fish only.
Q3:What is mentioned about meat in the dialogue?
A.It's delicious.B. It is nutritious.
C. It's harmful.D. It can't be eaten in large amount.
Q4 : What is most important for eating?
A. To have a good balanced meal.
B. To have a meal with a lot of vegetables.
C. To have a meal with a lot of me
 D. To have less food.

6. SI :Chief officer, have you been to Long Beach before?
s2: Yes, but that was three years ago. Now, so much has been changed here. Do you?
SI  It’s the first time that I am going abroad. Shall we go to buy a map of the city?
S2:It sounds good. But we do not know where to buy.
s1:How about asking someone the way to Long Beach?
s2: That is a good idea. There is a shop, let' s go there and buy a map and find someone to ask the way to the city.
Q1 : Which is the correct statement about the chief officer?
A.He has never been to Long Beach before.
B.He went to Long Beach three years ago.
G. He knows the way to Long Beach.
D. He looks for the way to Long Beach in a map
Q2:What conclusion can you make from the conversation?
A.In the end, they got to the city.
B.They found someone to ask the way and bought a map.
C.They found a shop, and they took a chance to get information and buy a map,
D.They are familiar with the city. 
Q3:About the first speaker, which
A.He has never been foreign country before.
B.He knows the city very well.
C.He has around the world many times.
D.According the dialog, he should be captain on board 
Q4 : How do they go to the city?
A.The chief officer has been this city before, so he lead the way.
B.They are ready to buy a map and ask someone about the way,
C.They take a taxi.
D.Not mentioned in the dialog.

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