第一章 第三节 对话题 陆上求助

第一章 第三节 对话题 陆上求助


1. SI :Can you tell me the way to Blossom Peach, please?
S2:Sure. Go North out of town. Continue past the hotel, the hospital and the village of until crossing the small bridge.
Q: Which of the following is closest to Blossom
A. The hotel. B. The bridge.C. The hospital. D. Village San
2.SI :I’d like to buy some souvenirs. Can you tell me a good place to buy?
S2:Yes. There is an open market close to the downtown in Saint Lotus. You can buy s there.
Q: Where can the first speaker buy souvenirs in Saint Lotus?
A. Supermarket.  B. Open market.  C. Private apartment.  D. City hall
3.SI : Hello. Are you ready to order?
S2:Yes, I am.
sl :Right. What would you like?
S2:Latte, coffee with milk, please.
Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?
A. In the mess room.B. In the galley.
C. In the cafe.D. In the supermarket.
4.SI .-Would you like some vegetables?
S2 : Yes, I’d  like some cabbages.
Q:What does the second speaker want to have?
A. cabbages.B. carrots.C. potatoes.D. tomatoes.
5.SI:Now look at the map. Start  at the port. Go down the Red Lane, turn left on the Street.

Q: What is on the left?

 A. The stadium.  B. The park.C. The bookshop.D. The Bank.
6 S1 Now look at the map. Start at the bank. Go to the north along the Main Street. Take the third turning on the left.
Q:What is on the right?
A. lhe restaurant. BIhe park. C. The stadium. D. The school
7 SI :Now look at the map. Start at the railway station. Go down the Orange Street. Take the third turning on the right. Go two blocks.
Q: What is on the right?
A  The bus Station    B.The restaurant.
C.  The bar            D.The shopping mall.
8. SI :Look at the map. Start at the hotel. Turn south. Go down the Rose Street. Take the second turning on the left.
Q: What is on the right?
A. The stadium.B.Thecinema.C.Themuseum.D. The theatre.
9.SI :How far is it from Rio de Janeiro to Bogota?
S2 : It ’ s approximately 4400 km.
Q : What’s the distance?
A. 2800 km.B.2700km.C.4400km.D. 5100 km.
10.SI :How far is it from Buenos Aires to Caracas?
S2:A run of approximately 5100 km.
Q : What’s the distance?
A. 2800 km.B.2700km.C.4400km.D. 5100 km.
11.SI : I want to cash this money order.
S2:Have you brought any identification?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In the bank.B. Inthepub.
C. At the conveniencestore.D. Atthepolice station.
12.SI :Everything looks nice. What are you going to have?
S2 : I think the spaghetti and a salad are good to me.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In the bank.               B. Intherestaurant.
C. At the conveniencestore.D. At thetheatre.
13.SI :I5 d like to send this parcel by airmail registered.
S2 : Foreign  mail?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In the bank.B. In the restaurant.
C. At the post office.D. At the police station.
14 s1  I need to get to the airport before 10. Can you make it?
S2  I  can’t  promise,but I’ll  do my best.
Q:What is TRUE of the dialogue?
A.They may arrive at the airport before 10.
B.They are sure to arrive at the airport before 10.
C.They are supposed to reach the airport before 10.
D.They promise to get to the airport before 10.
15  S1 Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest souvenir shop?
S2:Go straight ahead and turn right at the second crossing. The shop is just in front of you. 
Q: Which is the correct way to the souvenir shop?
A.Go along the street and turn right at the second crossroad.The shop is nearby.
B.Go along the streetandturn right at the first crossroad. The shop is on the opposite.
C.Go along the streetandturn right at the second crossroad.The shop is right ahead.
D.Go along the streetand tum right at the first crossroad. The shop is around the comer.
16 s1:Where will you go, sir?
S2:No. 126 Smithdown Road,please.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.In a taxi.B. On a bus. C. On a trainD. In a car rental company.
17 s1: What’s the matter with you?
S2:I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. Sometimes I feel cold.
Q: Which is not mentioned in the conversation?
A. A headache. B. A cough.C. A sore throat. D. A cold.
18 SI: Which color and size do you like?
S2:I like brown and medium size.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In a hotel.B. In an information center.
C. In a grocery.D. In a clothes shop.

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