第一章 第二节 短文题 船上生活常用语

第一章 第二节 短文题 船上生活常用语


SI: What is his name?
S2 : His name is Bright Harworth.
SI : What is his date of birth?
S2:His date of birth is the 7th of April 1947. 
SI : Is he married?
S2:No,he is not married.
SI :What is the name of his vessel?
S2:The name of his vessel is the Ocean Passage. 
SI: What is his rank?
S2 He is the pumpman.
Q1: What’s his date of birth?
A. On the 7th of April 1974.     B. On the 17th of April 1974. 
C. On the 7 th of April 1947.    D. On the 17th of April 1947.
Q2:What, s his marital status?
A. single.B. married. C. divorced.D. widowed.
Q3 : What’s his position on board?
A. He is the motorman.B. He is the Bosun.
C. He is the pumpman.D. He is the donkeyman.
Q4:What is not mentioned in the conversation?
A. The age. B. The marital status.
C. The nationality. D. The position.
2.Every morning I get up at 0700. I have breakfast at 0730 then at 0750 I go to the bridge and take over the watch from the Chief Officer. At 1030 I drink a cup of coffee. Then I hand over to the 2nd Officer at noon. At 1215 I eat lunch. At 1300 I usually listen to music and then I sleep at 1400.
Q1 :When does the speaker have his breakfast?
A.0700.B.0730. C.0750.D.0800
Q2: When does the speaker go to bridge?
A.0700.B. 0730. C.0750.D.0800.
Q3 : When does the speaker eat his lunch?
A. 1200.B.1215.. C.1300.D. 1400.
Q4 : Who is the speaker?
A. The Second Officer. B. The Third Officer.
C. The Bosun. D.The Captain.
3.On the MV Blue Whale there are five decks. The engine room is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck : the galley, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the laundry there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings, messroom. To the right of the rating’s messroom is an office. There are no cabins on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the Pilot and one for the Chief Officer. Between them is the officer’s messroom. There is a cabin for the Master on the fourth deck between the radio room and the Chief Engineer’s cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master’s cabin. The bridge is on the fifth deck.
Q1 : Where is the storeroom?
A. It’s on thefirst deck.     B.It’son the second deck.
C. It's on thethird deck.D.It’son the fourth deck.
Q2: Where is the Chief Officer’s cabin?
A. It's on thefirst deck.   B It’son the second deck.
C. It's on thethird deck.D.It’son the fourth deck.
Q3 : Where is the Chief Engineer5 s cabin?
A. It’s on the first deck.B. It’son thesecond deck.
C. It’s on the third deck.D. It‘son thefourth deck.
Q4; Where is the Master’s cabin?
A. It’ s below the radio room.B. It’sabovethe Chief Engineer’scabin.
C_ It’ s to the left of the radio room.D. It’sto theright of the radioroom.
4.Hi! How are you? I am fine. I really like my new job on this vessel. The work is difficult but I enjoy it. Every morning the Chief Officer gives me a list of jobs to do. I have some free time after work so I often play chess with my friend, Jones. He is very good at chess, I never won! I sometimes read a book before going to sleep. I share my cabin with another cadet. He’s Korean. He likes listening to music. We sometimes listen to music together.
Q1   What’s the position of the speaker?
A. The engineer.B. The Motorman. C. The deck cadet. D. The engine cadet.
 Q2;Who is better at chess?
A. Jones. B. The speaker. C. Another cadet D. The Chief Engineer
Q3 : Who is from Korea?
A. The speaker. B. Jones. C. The Chief Engineer D. The speaker’s  roommate.
04: Who gives the speaker jobs to do?
A.The speaker.B. Jones.
C. The Chief Officer.D. The speaker’s roommate.
5 :s1 :How are things going, Bosun?
S2 : Fine, everything is going well.
: What’s happening on deck?
^2:Well, some ratings are sweeping the deck at the moment.
SI: And the A. B?
S2 : He’s painting right now.
SI : Right. Who’s testing the alarms today?
 S2:I think the 3rd Engineer is
SI :OK, good. I’m going to the bridge to see the electrician. He ’ s  repairing the radio.
S2:OK, Sir.
Q1: What are the ratings doing?
A.They are painting. B.They are testing the alarms.
C. They are sweeping the deck. D.They are repairing the radio.
Q2: What ’ s the A. B doing?
A. He ’ s painting.              B.He’ s sweeping the deck.
C. He’s testing the alarms.      D.He’s repairing the radio.
Q3 :What's the 3rd Engineer doing? 
A. He's  painting.             B.He's  sweeping the deck.
C. He’s  testing the alarms.  D.He's  repairing the radio.
Q4: What's the electrician doing?
A. He's painting.           B.He's  sweeping the deck.
C. He's  testing the alarms.  D. He's repairing the radio.
6. SI ;Excuse me, we want to board Motor Vessel Blue Whale. When does the service boat leave? S2: Marine No. 1 leaves at 1 pm. She is over there.
51:Thank you. By the way, T d like to buy some snack. Is there a shop around here?
S2: There is a convenience store further down the street.
SI: How can I get there?
52: Well, go out there, turn left at the comer, and then go straight for about 200 meters. You’II find it on your right.
SI:Thank you very much.
S2:That s all right. Be sure not to miss the service boat.
Q1 : Where does the dialogue most probably take place?
A. At the railway station.B. In the bank.
C.At the port.D. At the convenience store.
Q2:How is the first speaker going to board his ship?
A. By tug.  B. By service boat.
C.By pilot boat.D. By ferry.
Q3 : What does the first speaker want to buy?
A. Some snack. B. Some cigarettes.  C.Some fruits. D. Some drinks.
Q4:What is TRUE about the convenient store?
A. It’s very far from there. B. It is at the corner.
C.It’s down the street. D. It is about 200 meters away
7, Background:The chief officer and bosun is talking about something, at this time, the captain
goes to bridge.
SI  Morning, Chief.
S2 Morning, captain.
S1 What are you talking about?
S2 We are talking about the weather forecast. There is a tropical storm approaching us.
S1 Let me check. Hmm, it is bad news. According to the present situation, the storm will catch us .three days later. So we have to do something.
S2 Definitely Aha, bosun is worried about that he will be struck by both the seasickness and homesickness.
SI : Don, t worry, bosun. I guess you have alreadybatten down everything.
SI : Chief, We must keep a sharp eve on its development. Please continuously keep monitorinng the barometer and storm warning.
S2: All right.
Q1 :When will the tropical storm catch the ship?
A. In four days.    B. The day after tomorrow.
C. Three days later.  D. Tomorrow.
Q2: Which is not a correct statement about the bosun?
A.He is worried that the coming storm will make him seasick.
B.He is homesick.
C.He has made everything battened.
DHe does not know what to do.
Q3 -.Which is not required by the captain?
A. Pay close attention to the storm’s development.
B. Check the navigational  system.
C.Monitor the barometer continuously
D.Monitor the   storm  warning continuously.
Q4:What is the Chief officer and bosun talking about before captain going to the bridge? 
A. Weather.B. Their home town.
C. Bosun’s  homesick and seasick.D. Their family and entertainment.

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