

Do you take selfies? Do you use filters? Maybe you wish that you looked a little more like your filtered selfie photos.

These days, apps like Snapchat and Instagram have a variety of filters that can help you look like a modelesque version of yourself. Don't like your skin? Airbrush it! Are your eyes too small? Make them wider.
如今,类似于snapchat, Instagram这样的软件有很多的滤镜可以让你看起来好看的跟模特似的。不喜欢你的皮肤?那就磨皮。觉得你眼睛太小了?那就放大

As a result, more and more people are seeking plastic surgery to look like their altered selfie photos. It's a disturbing phenomenon that doctors are calling Snapchat dysmorphia.

Snapchat dysmorphia means you want to undergo surgery to look like the filtered selfies from your Snapchat or whatever social media apps you're using. In the Chinese context, you might call it Meitu dysmorphia.

Many people are feeling dissatisfied with their real appearances and choose to go under the knife to look like their filtered selfies.

We also have a phrase "do it for the gram." It's a really common expression amongst younger people and it just means "do it for Instagram." It's used to motivate people to take photos that they can show off online and receive a lot of likes for.

So, social media pressure is feeding the need to be idolized by others. People no longer just idolize celebrities for their beauty. Selfie photos have replaced the celebrity image and that icon of beauty has become a blogger, a friend or even your own selfie image. All of which are of course altered and not realistic.
