




Brief Introduction:


Chapter 2

Remy’s new job was to smell food all day. And not just any food—rotten food. Day in and day out (日复一日), a seemingly (貌似) endless (无尽头的) line (队) of rats filed (排成纵列行进) past him, holding up (举起) rank (恶臭的) scraps (残羹剩饭) of food for him to smell. That’s right. He was Chief Poison Checker (首席毒药检测员) for his clan.

Remy sniffed. A moldy (发霉的) crust of bread (面包皮). A slimy (黏滑的) bit of plum (李子). A bite of beef (牛肉) with a slight green tinge (淡淡的绿色) to it. “Clean (干净的,此处指安全的) ... clean ... clean ...”

The rats moved on (继续前进). Their scraps would be added to the food pile (堆), to be served (提供) later that night at dinner.

Remy sniffed again. A deflated (瘪掉的) grape. Some curdled (凝固的) milk. A wilted piece of lettuce (一片发蔫的生菜). “Clean-errific (此处为小米造的词,指非常安全)... clean-erino (此处为小米造的词,指非常安全) ... close to godliness (近乎圣洁) ...” Remy was bored to tears (极其厌倦的).

Django watched his son proudly (骄傲地). “Now don’t you feel better, Remy?” he asked. “You’ve helped a noble (高尚的) cause (事业).”

Remy stared at his father in disbelief (难以置信地). “Noble?” he spluttered (气急败坏地说). “We’re thieves (小偷), Dad. And what we’re stealing (偷窃) is—let’s face (承认) it—garbage.”

“It isn’t stealing if no one wants it,” Django said with a shrug (耸肩).

Remy rolled his eyes (翻白眼). “If no one wants it, why are we stealing it?”

Django turned and walked away. “We are not having this argument (争论) again!” he called over his shoulder.

Later that night, in the farmhouse attic (阁楼), the rats were all contentedly (满足地) munching on (用力咀嚼) garbage ... er, their dinner. All except Remy, of course. He had a motto (座右铭): “If you are what you eat, then only eat the good stuff.”

But Django thought differently. He had a motto, too, and he turned to Remy and shared it with him. “Food is fuel (燃料). You get picky (过分讲究的) about what you put in the tank (油箱), your engine is gonna die (你的引擎就会熄火). Now, shut up (闭嘴) and eat your garbage.”

Remy was not convinced (被说服). “If we’re going to be thieves,” he argued (争辩), “why not steal the good stuff (东西,此处指食物) in the kitchen—where nothing is poisoned?”

That made Django angry. “First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay out of (远离) the kitchen and away from (远离) humans. It’s dangerous.”

Well, thought Remy, what my father doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

The next day, Remy slowly and silently (悄悄地) sneaked into (溜进) the farmhouse kitchen. The television was on, tuned to (播放) a cooking channel. On-screen (在屏幕上), Gusteau, the portly (肥胖的), famous chef, was busy cooking another masterpiece (代表作,此处指拿手菜). The old woman who lived in the house was fast asleep in the television’s glow (暗淡的光).

Remy stared at the TV with glee (欢喜). As a rat, he knew he was supposed (应该) to hate humans. But there was something about them. They didn’t just survive (生存); they discovered (发现), they created (创造). And just look what they did with food!

From his perch (高处) on the counter (柜台), Remy noticed a well-worn (用旧了的) copy of Gusteau’s cookbook, Anyone Can Cook!, propped up (立在) next to the stove. And to his delight (高兴), right next to it was a plate of leftover (吃剩的) fruits and cheeses. Bingo (太好了)! thought Remy.

“Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell,” the great chef said from the TV. “There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.”

Remy reached over (伸手) to the cheese plate and picked up a small slice (片). He closed his eyes and took a bite. Oh, yeah—delicious. Gusteau was right!

The cheese still in his mouth, Remy reached over and picked up an apple slice. He took a bite and nearly (几乎) wept with pleasure (高兴地哭了). Each flavor (味道) was totally unique (独特的). But combine (组合) one flavor with another ... and something new was created.

Remy was unceremoniously (突然地) brought back to reality (回到现实) when the old woman reached over and turned on her lamp (灯). She was awake (醒了)!

Remy gasped (倒抽气). Quick as a flash (闪电), he ran to the window and jumped outside.

But he couldn’t help turning back for one last look. He had conquered (攻克) the kitchen. And now he had a secret life.

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